Fire Force Episode 8 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. Having reached the oasis, the expedition discovers it is infested with infernals. But with their best shot to learn about the Great Cataclysm within the Tabernacle at its center, the team resolves to venture forth regardless. Though what they find may be more than they bargained for.
As the narrative of this episode unfolds an interesting subtext takes shape within the story. This subtext concerns the nature of good and evil. In particular, how it applies to things. Can an object be “good”? Or can it be “evil”? And what if the object in question has within it the capacity to do both? If a thing has great destructive power, but also the ability to create great nourishment is the risk of its presence worth the possible cost? The Tabernacle in Fire Force Episode 8 presents our heroes, and their newfound woodland allies with this question. It was yet another unexpected element I’ve discovered within this latest season. And like all the other surprises so far, this one proves to be a pleasant one.
But, stepping back from potential over-analysis of subtexts, Fire Force Episode 8 delivers a wonderfully balanced narrative. For the first half of the episode more history about theTabernacle, how it got there, and why the animals talk is explained. There is no dryness to this exposition, and I found the continued world-building interesting. Another potential enemy, or ally, is introduced through this sequence, though their motivations are not made clear.
By the midway point of Fire Force Episode 8, our heroes are beset by the infernals infesting the oasis. They seem determined to keep the Fire Force from reaching the Tabernacle. The team learns that their leader, an infernal demon, wishes to destroy the Tabernacle so the resulting explosion will end his multi-century life and he can ascend to heaven. Or so he claims. Having told the other infernals he will bring them with him if they serve faithfully, the group has been transformed into a full-blown death cult. And without the combined might of several Fire Force stations, they have no way of destroying an infernal demon. Nonetheless, Shinra is determined to be the hero and save the oasis from destruction.
Once the confrontation gets going Fire Force Episode 8 delivers a solid dose of action in the back end of the episode. This isn’t a full-blown throw down quite yet. In classic shonen fashion, the first joining of battle is just a taste to whet the audience’s appetite. The full main event is yet to come.
The stand out visual component of Fire Force Episode 8 is the infernals themselves. While instantly recognizable as what they are they remain strikingly different from the infernals that we have encountered previously. This goes along with the far greater intelligence and awareness they show. Fully robed, and recognizing command structures and accepting religious principles it opens questions about what the infernals are. Would all infernals become like this if allowed to live? Or is it exposure to the Tabernacle that has made them so? Hopefully, we’ll learn soon.
Fire Force Episode 8 delivers a balanced narrative with something to please everyone. Some solid action wraps up a smooth flowing bit of world-building. With the confrontation with their newest foe just beginning I look forward to seeing how Shinra and the company will get out of this newest peril.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 8 is streaming now.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 8
Fire Force Episode 8 delivers a balanced narrative with something to please everyone. Some solid action wraps up a smooth flowing bit of world-building. With the confrontation with their newest foe just beginning I look forward to seeing how Shinra and the company will get out of this newest peril.