Mercy #4 is published by Image Comics. It comes from the creative team of writer, artist, and colorist Mirka Andolfo. She is assisted by colorists Gianluca Papi, and Francesca Carotenuto and letterer Fabio Amelia. Following the cliffhanger ending of issue #3, the book opens with a distraught Jon. Found by his sister, and completely drunk, Jon rambles about losing his “lil squirrel” and his fears regarding his sister Betsy’s employers.
Meanwhile, Mr. Goodwill remains captured by the mysterious hunters. As he watches them eating pieces of him, they reveal their methods. By eating the pods that come from beings like Hellaine and Goodwill, the hunters grow stronger. They use this strength to hunt these monsters in hopes of getting revenge. But even the best laid plans can be sabotaged, and there are still mysteries unfolding within the mind of Lady Hellaine.
With Mercy #4 Andolfo has finally pulled the veil aside to allow the readers the backstory we desperately needed. There are still plenty of questions, but at least now there are answers as well. Thankfully, despite this issue being packed with story, it doesn’t feel bloated or lacking in clarity. Andolfo’s talent for balancing several plot threads at the same time is in full effect with this issue. So much of the action is right on a knife-edge of tension and the way the plot dances around keeps that tension building throughout the story.
When that tension finally does release we end up with some of the most magnificent body horror that Andolfo and her crew have produced yet. The art and colors are equal parts sickening and beautiful. You can almost feel the slick wet tendrils of the creatures as they burst forth from within an unsuspecting victim. There are a few moments when the violence is a little hard to follow, simply because the panel is full of tentacles and viscera.
But the results are always clear enough that it helps mitigate those issues. Meanwhile, the panels that are more story driven are filled with equal beauty, but not of the gruesome variety. Particularly one moment that comes late in the issue that I won’t spoil but is absolutely stunning. Then is immediately followed by equally stunning violence. This is a very violent issue, in case I haven’t made that clear. Amelia’s letters, on the other hand, are quite clean and always easy to follow.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with Mercy #4. It felt like all of the hints and foreshadowing finally came together for an extremely satisfying climax. There are new plot elements that change the trajectory of the story as well. I’m glad I stuck it out with this series. It was never bad by any means, but the amount of mystery was beginning to get a little frustrating. With all of that out of the way, I’m back to being extremely excited to see what happens next month.
Mercy #4
Overall, I was extremely pleased with Mercy #4. It felt like all of the hints and foreshadowing finally came together for an extremely satisfying climax. There are new plot elements that change the trajectory of the story as well. I’m glad I stuck it out with this series. It was never bad by any means, but the amount of mystery was beginning to get a little frustrating. With all of that out of the way, I’m back to being extremely excited to see what happens next month.