The Fab 5 are back at it again in Philadelphia, bringing with them messages of self-help, acceptance, and compassion. From the first season premiering in 2018, Queer Eye hasn’t changed much. It’s a reality show featuring people from all walks of life that need a little help in their lives. The Fab 5, all of whom are queer and fabulous, is here to save the day and teach these people, and viewers, how to find time to take care of themselves and the people around them. If you were upset with the meager pickings offered by the last release in the Queer Eye series, you’ll be ecstatic to hear that there are ten episodes to binge-watch in Queer Eye season 5.
Since season 5 features the same old Fab 5 and their special equation of looking at people’s lives and helping them set things right in five different ways, it can begin to feel redundant after a few episodes. Especially considering each episode presents almost an hour of run time. So, although all the episodes have released all in one go, it may not be a series that is easy to binge-watch but it is a series you’ll want to watch even if it is one episode at a time.
But what keeps the show interesting is the diversity of people shown in each season. The Fab 5 always makes sure to help people from all walks of life, races, and sexualities; from people who have disabilities but don’t let it stop them from living their lives to people who don’t know how to help themselves before others. This season is no different. It canvases a huge diversity of people such as a man who survived homelessness and now helps young writers in his community, an activist who is so focused on saving the planet that she forgets to care for herself, and a woman who’s a young entrepreneur whose business plans have gone awry.
The first episode hits the hardest with the start of Pride Month featuring a timid gay pastor who came out later in his 30s and feels he came out too late in his life. Despite these insecurities, he’s created a congregation that welcomes everyone and creates a safe place for other queer folks. It’s probably a purposeful move to make this the first episode of the season, but it also really enhances the Fab 5 and their own connections with the queer community.
Perhaps one of the biggest draws to this series is due to the unadulterated happiness and acceptance that the Fab 5 emits. It’s not often you see five queer people on TV who not only are depicted enjoying life to its fullest but who also have excellent chemistry together and unequivocally support each other in their endeavors. This is honestly something queer people need to see more often.
On top of highlighting the queer community through the first episode and the Fab 5, the show emphasizes the city where the entirety of season 5 takes place: Philadelphia. Previous seasons have done something similar, but season 5 does the city justice by incorporating some culture and history about the city into each episode while also capturing the beautiful architecture and art with wide shots and aerial pans. Although it isn’t done to such a huge extent as Queer Eye: We’re in Japan!, there’s still a flavor of Philly in each episode.
Queer Eye season 5 has done an excellent job of highlighting great people who deserve a little bit of help in their lives. On top of this, the Fab 5 are still their wonderfully queer selves, dishing out advice that anyone and everyone can take to heart.
Queer Eye season 5 is streaming now on Netflix.
Queer Eye Season 5
Queer Eye season 5 has done an excellent job of highlighting great people who deserve a little bit of help in their lives. On top of this, the Fab 5 are still their wonderfully queer selves, dishing out advice that anyone and everyone can take to heart.