Superman: Heroes #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction and Greg Rucka, art by Kevin Maguire, Mike Perkins, Steve Lieber, Mike Norton and Scott Godlewski, colors by Paul Mounts, Gabe Eltaeb, Andy Troy, and Nathan Fairbairn, and letters by Troy Peteri, Clayton Cowles, and Simon Bowland. In the wake of the revelation to the world that Clark Kent and Superman are one and the same Clark takes a moment to see how those closest to him feel about his choice to tell the world. While some of those people turn to each other and try to process what this new truth means for them all.
Superman: Heroes #1 is a book that knows what it’s trying to say and delivers it in a beautiful, well thought out manner. While one would expect this book to be about Clark it really isn’t. Rather, this book is about everyone around him. And though some reactions are a given, such a Louis’ moment in the prologue just before Clark’s reveal is made, some are less expected. Though every reaction feels genuine and real. Granted, when you have a writing team headlined by the likes of Bendis and Fraction anything less would be sorely disappointing.
And while all the stories in this compilation have some lovely moments in them the standout of this book comes when the reader is taken to Wayne Manor. Though it’s not Clark that is paying Bruce a visit, but rather Diana. Having known Bruce for so long, it isn’t surprising that Wonder Woman would suspect he would need some help wrapping his head around what Clark has done. This moment is not only superbly written in general but it is also something I really needed to see these two particular characters have. It often feels like whenever Bruce and Diana are in the same room together they are butting heads. It is often difficult for me to remember exactly why these two are still portrayed as such good friends. This scene was a great help in reestablishing that friendship.
The only mild misstep I have with Superman: Heroes #1 is with the ordering of its stories. Some feel like they should take place before others, though there is nothing to concretely establish that they do. While this isn’t a big problem, it did take me out of the book a few times.
The visual presentation here comes together nicely. No small feet when one considers there are 12 individual talents all contributing to the visual presentation of Superman: Heroes #1. Each section of the book stands out from the others, allowing each story to have its own moment. Just as with the writing, I feel the time spent at Wayne Manor is the true stand out of this book. This may be partly due to the fact that it is the only piece that carries a genuinely dark look to it. Setting it apart even more from the rest of the book.
When taken as a whole Superman: Heroes #1 is an excellent look at how some pieces of Superman’s world are reacting to the big news. Whether joyful or pessimistic, every reaction comes across as genuinely faithful to the character that gives it. It’s a big change for the DC Universe. It’s good they took the time to let us see how it affects some of the big players.
Superman: Heroes #1 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Superman: Heroes #1
When taken as a whole Superman: Heroes #1 is an excellent look at how some pieces of Superman’s world are reacting to the big news.