Mars Attacks #5 is published by Dynamite Entertainment, written by Kyle Starks, with arts and colors by Chris Schweizer and Liz Trice Schweizer respectively. Mars Attacks #5 picks up after the devastating death of Spencer’s dad at the hands of a Martian, which happened last issue. It’s a silent opening, one that focuses on him, his dog, and the Martian walking towards a fort that may be decimated.
Like previous issues, the art from Chris Schweizer is phenomenal. The opening pages show a small Spencer, dog, and Martian, walking with the backdrop of a kaiju-like battle. Martians, ships, helicopters, and giant monsters are shown devastating the surrounding city, but Spencer keeps looking forward. There is something extremely beautiful and intriguing in the way Schweizer draws small minimalist figures. In the short bursts of dialogue between him and the Martian, we see the impact his father’s death has left.
There was a joy that Spencer had, one that his dad lacked and now, it’s gone. The lack of dialogues does a lot to set the scene. In Mars Attacks #5, he finds himself on a path his dad always wanted for him. Instead of letting sadness overload him, he chooses to live up to what his father wanted for him, he’ll complete this personal mission.
I have fallen in love with this series and the unexpected emotion in it. The closing of Mars Attacks #5 is powerful in its own way. There is a depth to Mars Attacks as a series that embraces the visual camp of the cult classic movie while also being an emotional story of a son who constantly let down his father and a father who always loved his son, even he didn’t show it. The through-line of the series has been: Family is like the Alamo. Believe in it, put your all into it, and never forget it.
I wish I could write more, but the brevity of this issue and weight of the last half of the book is something that you should experiences unspoiled.
Mars Attacks may be concluded, but the door is open for it to continue. I for one would love to see Spencer again — especially given his new position. If you are looking for a visually stunning series with great dialogue that always has a purpose, a good dog, a father-son relationship, and some zap zap, make sure you pick up this series and read from the beginning to end.
Mars Attack #5 is out Wednesday, February 20th wherever you buy your comic books.
Mars Attack #5
Mars Attacks may be concluded, but the door is open for it to continue. I for one would love to see Spencer again — especially given his new position. If you are looking for a visually stunning series with great dialogue that always has a purpose, a good dog, a father-son relationship, and some zap zap, make sure you pick up this series and read from the beginning to end.