One of the new comic releases I’ve come to look forward to is Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #3. Like I mentioned in my previous review, it reminds me of watching shows like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. There are still three more issues left but this is a comic I’ll come back and read many times.
Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #3, which is published by Image Comics, is written by Keith Giffin and illustrated by Benjamine Roman. Naomia and Raquel, the mob-like enforcers, continue to pester Julie and her aunt Agatha to sell their land. They simply refuse to take no for an answer. They’re looking for other ways to turn up the pressure and get them to sign over the deed.
As with the previous two issues, I had a blast reading this issue. The continuous elements of humor and fantasy made this quite an enjoyable read. The relationship between Sawyer and Julie is still one of the more stronger things about the overall comic series. Their comedic timing is impeccable. I’d definitely be interested to see how Julie and Sawyer between friends to begin with, or at least how she came to live in her aunt’s house. I also find myself laughing out loud at how easily Sawyer is able to make fun of Naomi and Raquel.
One of the parts in the comic that captured my attention the most was the conversation she has with her aunt. It shows how much she cares about her aunt and the property she rightfully owns. She willingly puts the happiness of her aunt as her priority. I was very touched by how far she was willing to go for her aunt. However, it would’ve been much more effective had there been a deeper revelation. Her aunt seems to be her only guardian, so it makes sense as to why she cares so much for her. But I want to know how they got to a bond that is that strong. I’m hoping that this could come up in future issues.
One thing that didn’t make a whole lot of sense is tied to the character of Asuka. She’s able to scare off the mob-like enforcers by scaring one of them with her stare, but it’s never fully known how she did it. Maybe I’m nitpicking too much, but that seems like an amazing power to have.
With this being the third issue, it would make sense for things to start getting closer to a major event. I’m excited to see how Julie and the rest of the rabbits defend their home. The humor, art style, and continuous intriguing storyline guarantees that I’ll be reading the next issue. I look forward to see how the comic goes on from here.
Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #3 is available now wherever comic books are sold.
Auntie Agatha's Home For Wayward Rabbits #3
With this being the third issue, it would make sense for things to start getting closer to a major event. I’m excited to see how Julie and the rest of the rabbits defend their home. The humor, art style, and continuous intriguing storyline guarantees that I’ll be reading the next issue. I look forward to see how the comic goes on from here.