Star Wars Outlaws explores moral ambiguity in a galaxy divided, blending Rashomon-style storytelling with world-building that challenges perspectives
Star Wars Outlaws rekindles the magic of Star Wars Galaxies, with an immersive experience that lets players shape their own path.
Star Wars is a giant sandbox, and sometimes two stories just fit together. That’s Star Wars Outlaws and Andor.
Even with the hiccups, Star Wars Outlaws is a fantastic story that effectively uses the heist genre and never keeps its characters in focus.
Ubisoft, the National Football League, and the National Football League Players Association, announced NFL Primetime Fantasy
Kay Vess embodies two key Star Wars themes, hope and resiliency. We spoke with Humberly González and Navid Khavari about Kay and Star Wars’ impact.
Dark Horse Comics presents an all-new Assassin’s Creed comics adventure with a new series, Assassin’s Creed Mirage: A Soar of Eagles
The Rogue Prince of Persia is off to a great start, with fast and fluid gameplay, but needs to flesh out some systems.
Stylish, dynamic, and just the right amount of difficult, The Rogue Prince of Persia pulls the franchise into the roguelike genre.
For Honor announced that its Year 8, Forged in War, starts on March 14 with the first of four new seasons. Each new season will tell standalone stories.