‘Oliver #1,’ from Image Comics, follows the lead character of the classic Dickens’ novel, ‘Oliver Twist’ but in a futuristic setting.
Stellar collects the explosive series from Image Comics, and I encourage scifi fans and comics geeks to add it to their collection.
Star Trek vs Transformers from IDW seamlessly melds together two beloved franchises that are decades old. There may not be much plot, but that doesn’t matter.
‘Creature Tech,’ from Doug Tennapel, was originally published in 2002 but is now being re-released in color for the first time by Image Comics
‘The Robotech Archives,’ from Titan Comics is the first in a four-book series showing a black-and-white adventure taking place in an alternate near future.
IDW Publishing concludes its science-fiction epic, ‘Star Trek The Next Generation: Terra Incognita #6’ with this final issue.
Travelers Season 3 is a win for sci-fi fans and fans of the series. The characters and story are strong, and the science fiction even stronger.
Barbarella Holiday Special entitled ‘Murder on the Christmas Planet shows what happens when Barbarella has a stint as a detective on planet Christmas.