Mashle: Magic and Muscle Episode 2 follows Mash as he faces the challenges of the magic school’s entrance exam in a fun-filled episode.
Search Results: the witch from mercury (76)
Dead Mount Death Play Episode 1 delivers a brutal first episode as it follows its necromancy-wielding lead on a cross-time journey.
My Dad The Bounty Hunter showcases how fun and fantastic original animated storytelling can be when you let it thrive in science fiction.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 8 slows down the pace of an action-packed season to introduce Squad 0.
The assault on the Soul Society by the Quincies is in full swing in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode 4 and it doesn’t look good.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 1 catches up with Fushi after 40 years of isolation. But now his old enemies are causing trouble once more.
With a range of all-ages series to those made for mature audiences, there was no shortage of series to choose for top animated series of 2021.
Characters beginning a romance from two places of insecurity and growing with each other is probably my favorite thing about…