The Flash #5 gives Jai West an issue of his own to try and explore what is happening to his life and to his powers, grounding the story.
Author: William Tucker
Titans: Beast World Tour – Star City #1 returns to tie-in to the regular format, with four stories by various creators.
Titans: Beast World #5 is the penultimate issue of the comic, taking a big change in direction after the devastating loss of a hero.
Avengers: Twilight #1 is set in a dark future where the heroes have either died, disappeared or are too old, with little signs of hope.
The Amazing Spider-Man #42 takes a breather in the middle of the Gang War, providing space for two daughters to talk about absent fathers.
Wonder Woman #5 expands the series by bringing in the supporting cast, with both heroes and villains being dragged into the conflict.
Titans #7 ties in to the Beast War event. The team has to protect their own home as Brother Eternity and Tempest invade the tower.
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 has two stories of Miles Morales facing off against Venom are featured, with one from a many years ago