Amazing Spider-Man #43 sees the Gang War nearing its conclusion. The two remaining armies and the heroes clash in Central Park.
Author: William Tucker
Outsiders #4 is another fresh story that explores how to deal with threats without resorting to violence, as a powerful metahuman emerges.
Batman: City of Madness #3 concludes Christian Ward’s limited series. Batman and Talon enter Gotham Below and discover a city of monstrosities.
Blue Beetle #6 brings ther first arc to a close with an intense final battle, exposing a flaw in the relationship between scarab and host.
Ultimate Black Panther #1 reveals a secretive nation that has avoided interference from the Maker’s council. That is until now.
Daredevil: Gang War #3 brings the characters closer together as the gang leaders fall in the rest of the Gang War tie-ins.
Avengers #10 highlights the threat of the new villains as old foes of the team are left shaken and nervous by what’s coming.
Kneel Before Zod #2 sees Zod and his wife Ursa start to develop a plan to protect their planet in the only way they know how.