Absolute Power: Task Force VII #2 sends an Amazo robot to the bottom of the ocean, bringing the denizens of Atlantis under control.
Author: William Tucker
Green Arrow #14 is a tie-in to Absolute Power. The rest of Green Arrow’s supporting cast gets involved despite being warned by both sides.
The Dragon Prince Season 6 continues the animated epic, taking the young characters on step close to their destinies.
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1 gives Elektra a story that involves the most important elements of her story, dragging her out of Hell’s Kitchen.
Phoenix (2024) #1 sees Jean Grey head into space, fully in tune with the Phoenix Force and willing to save anyone and everyone.
X-Men #1 (2024) is the start of a whole new era, featuring a new home to settle into and new enemies to fight in a game of survival.
Green Lantern #13 ties in to the Absolute Power event. The comic splits the characters, telling multiple stories at the same time.
The Ultimates #2 sees Captain America lead an assault on the White House as we get glimpses at a wider history of the new Ultimate Universe.