Bullet is a Kickstarter project by Altruist Comics. A celebration of Silver Age comics is fused with modern storytelling.
Author: William Tucker
Batman: Fear State: Alpha #1 is the start of a new crossover. James Tynion IV seeks to cement Scarecrow as a powerful villain.
Harley Quinn Annual 2021 #1 sends Harley’s best friend on a mission across Gotham. Featuring many guest stars, action, and fantastic dialogue
Echolands #1 is a brand new and fascinating comic. A thief operates in a world where anything is possible, patched together with pieces of history.
Extreme Carnage: Riot #1 continues the Symbiote fueled crossover. As another of Carnage’s siblings joins him, we learn more about Silence.
Winter Guard #1 spin out of the pages of Jason Aaron’s Avengers. The Russian team brings with it action, drama, and a lot of explosions.
A new arc begins in Harley Quinn #6, as Harley ventures into the territory of Catwoman. This is a prelude to the Fear State crossover coming very soon.
Superman vs Lobo #1 pits the last Czarnian and the last Kryptonian against each other in a popularity contest inside this Black Label comic.