‘Batman: Curse of the White Knight #2’Â offers a glimpse back in time as we follow the Edmond Wayne, an ancestor of Bruce Wayne.
Author: Lizzy Garcia
The Necromancer’s Map #1 finds the necromancer Bethany and Elissar, her now-dead, seeking aid at The Foggard temple in their search for the Covenant.
Batman has a long list of villains in his rogues gallery, some more eclectic than others. Here is a list of the top seven underrated Batman villains.
‘Bettie Page: Unbound #3’ finds Bettie traversing the harsh terrain of Mars in hopes of finally locking the Great Old Ones out.
‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ newest episode, “Terminus,” finds the team taking on a dangerous mission in order to find their kidnapped teammate, Violet.
Disney’s power over the entertainment industry might seem new but in actuality, Disney has fought a long battle to get where it is.
‘Batman: Hush’ is the newest film from WB Animation and adapts the famed Batman graphic novel that pits Bruce against the illusive Hush
Courtney Craven, the co-founder and Editor-In-Chief for Can I Play That? about accessibility in gaming and the community around it.