Author: Collier "CJ" Jennings

Born and raised in Texas, Collier “CJ” Jennings was introduced to geekdom at an early age by his father, who showed him Ultraman and Star Trek: The Next Generation. On his thirteenth birthday, he received a copy of Giant Size X-Men #1 and dove head first into the realm of pop culture, never looking back. His hobbies include: writing screenplays and essays, watching movies and television, card games/RPG’s, and cooking. He currently resides in Seattle.

I’ve loved Spider-Man ever since I can remember. I watched the first Sam Raimi movie when I was 10-years-old and woke up each Saturday morning to catch the animated series on Fox Kids. Even before I picked up a comic book, Peter Parker had a profound impact on my life. He was a geek, just like me. He was more relatable since he wasn’t a paragon of virtue like Superman or a dark tortured avenger like Batman. Peter was a teenager trying to figure out his life, just like me. His message of power and responsibility struck another chord, as…

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