The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9, “The Late Emperor,” reveals the truth behind the former emperor’s death as Maomao (Aoi Yûki, KamiErabi puzzles out the secrets of the room he hid himself in. The biggest revelations come later, as the Empress Dowager Anshi (Mamiko Noto, Rise of the Ronin) remembers the time she spent with him and his uncomfortable tendencies.
The opening half of this episode follows Maomao as she deduces the secret behind the former emperor’s death, concluding that the Anshi did not curse him. The investigation itself brings little to the episode. Mere happenstance drops the key element of the puzzle into Maomao’s lap, making her deductions quick. That Maomao extrapolates the truth from the element in question is still impressive, but it passes so quickly that it hardly feels like an accomplishment.
The more impactful aspect of The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9‘s opening is what Maomao learns about Jinshi’s childhood and the reveal it sets up. Talking with Jinshi’s servant, Maomao discovers some insightful bits concerning him when he was young. The information is entertaining, but the more critical part is where she gets it from. The servant in question was established as the Empress Dowager’s former Lady-in-Waiting.
The implication is obvious if you catch it and is fully confirmed at the end of the story. As had been alluded to previously, Jinshi is the child of the former Emperor. This explains the heightened amount of trust and leeway Jinshi receives at times.
Maomao continues to search for clues, with some feeling more earned than others.
This episode also revisits the upsetting dream that Jinshi (Takeo Otsuka, Gundam: Requiem for Vengence) experienced two episodes back. The striking “gold nugget” that was so central to that moment’s visuals comes back in this episode. It turns out to be the key piece of the puzzle, interconnecting the two episodes together. Later moments also explain the neglect both he and his mother seem to receive from the Empress at the time.
Once Anshi’s question is answered, The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9 focuses on her as she remembers what brought her into the Emperor’s favor and her experiences afterward. It explores the Emperor’s tendencies towards young girls and how they impacted her both while she was the object of those desires and when those desires had moved on.
Anshi’s point of view throughout her musings is difficult to process. As someone who an older individual approached at an inappropriately young age, you’d expect much of her focus would be on this inappropriateness. That doesn’t end up being the case. Rather, from even the young age she first met the Emperor, she had ambitions and is portrayed as being okay with the situation if it will get her what she wants.
Since Anshi didn’t care, her focus slid past the wrongness of the Emperor’s actions regarding his preference for partners. She only focuses on it when her memories reach the point where she has outgrown the Emperor’s notice. And then, it is only to state that it galled her that he would lose interest in her.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9 shows how horrifying Anshi really is.
This sequence reveals a shocking lack of empathy on the part of Anshi. Her character’s few appearances before this episode made her feel like a person who would possess enough of the trait to sympathize with the young girls that the Emperor pursued, understanding many would not be as welcoming of the situation as she was.
While discussing this sequence, it feels important to note that Anshi’s dismissal of the Emperor’s tendencies never feels like the position of the series. Several other characters have commented on the situation prior, making it clear that such activities would’ve been heavily frowned upon and called into question if not for his status.
Eventually, Anshi finds herself unable to accept being cast aside by an emperor only capable of comfortably approaching young girls. Approaching the Emperor in his bedchamber, Anshi is shown straddling him in bed. While the Emperor’s terror at her presence is clear, the cold, calculated way Anshi interacts with him is chilling.
Noto’s voice work throughout this sequence is powerful and captivating. How she delivers Anshi’s emotions as they drift from ambition to rejection and finally wrath is compelling. The edge of joy that lines Anshi’s icy words as she makes the Emperor squirm in his bed creates a terrifying element within the character.
The second half of the episode shows the series entering new levels of darkness.
There are two heavily implied repercussions to this scene. One is that this is the moment that broke the Emperor, causing him to withdraw into the room he’d spend his final days in. This fact also explains more clearly why Anshi believed the Emperor’s death was her fault. Her “wishing he’d die” explanation wasn’t quite the whole truth, as she suspected her actions took a more active involvement in his passing.
The other is that the aforementioned scene between the Emperor and Anshi is when Jinshi was conceived. If so, and if the knowledge of the moment got out to key members of the court, such as the Emperor’s mother who ruled in all but name, it would explain why Jinshi isn’t acknowledged as a member of the family. It makes one wonder if Jinshi is aware of these details or if they have been kept from him.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9 starts like any other episode, just to take a shockingly dark twist in the back half. Anshi’s feelings and motivations create a strikingly different image of the character than previously seen. It will be interesting to see which version of her will come out as the series progresses.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
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The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 9 starts like any other episode, just to take a shockingly dark twist in the back half. Anshi’s feelings and motivations create a strikingly different image of the character than previously seen.