Wonder Woman Issue 17 is published by DC Comics, written by Tom King, art by Daniel Sampere, colors by Tomeu Morey, and letters by Clayton Cowles.
The Wonder Girls take the fight directly to the Sovereign’s home.
The last several issues have had an interesting, split structure, and Wonder Woman Issue 17 continues that. Part of the comic sees Wonder Woman talk to Elizabeth, her newborn daughter. She narrates about Steve Trevor, Elizabeth’s late father. It’s a calm segment with references to Ancient Greek mythology and culture. It’s serene and slow. Then, there is a fight erupting at the mansion of Henry Charles, the self-declared King of America. The Sovereign has looked untouchable in his grand house, but the work done by the Wonder Girls, Detective Chimp, and the others has slowly whittled their way to this final fortress.
But Charles is not the only one in his stronghold; he is surrounded by many of Wonder Woman’s greatest foes. This leads to a clash between the sides in Wonder Woman Issue 17. The Wonder Girls move at speed as the fight starts, taking on the enemies with precision and ferocity. But the pace slows down as the villains start fighting back, causing the ladies to think on their feet and change their approach.
The battle is explosive and violent, with the heroes using the bare minimum of restraint. The last three issues have featured the fightback against the Sovereign, which has increased in triumph while still revealing surprises for what might come next.
King’s writing is sophisticated again in Wonder Woman Issue 17. The narration, which has been present since the beginning, is very in-depth. It is from the viewpoint of The Sovereign, spoken in the past tense. This has been confusing earlier in the series, but it is much more enjoyable once the narrator is revealed and many other questions are asked. There are frequent references to lines that Wonder Woman and her team have repeated throughout the series, including “No, thank you.”
There is a calmness throughout Wonder Woman Issue 17, even as the three Amazonians tear through the mansion and its many treasures. Their relentlessness has become comical, and even the villains have come to accept this. And yet, during this counter-offensive by Yara, Cassie, and Donna, Diana has stayed away the whole time. She has been caring for her daughter and mourning the death of her beloved. She is likely unaware of what her former companions have been doing. This creates a fascinating tonal shift in the book while demonstrating how well they have been raised and taught.
The art is a stunning physical spectacle. Sampere flexes his muscles for both beauty and battle. The serenity of Wonder Woman’s time with Elizabeth is gorgeous. She looks happy and content. Even when talking about a loss that causes her the most agonizing pain, she remembers the love she felt instead, and there is a slight smile on her face. She is sculpting during Wonder Woman Issue 17. Diana uses her immense strength to get the rock, which she also uses to craft a work of art.
The Wonder Girls are battling out in the mansion. The building is obliterated early in the issue, serving as the first blow from Donna Troy. Each of them gets a sparring partner, showing off their powers. Sampere’s ultra-realistic art style never prevents him from stepping into fantasy or superheroes. But the characters show the ramifications and the consequences of the action. The villains were unprepared for the assault, and so some are in stages of undress. And as the fight erupts, there is a delight and dedication to destruction.
The colors have a mesmerizing variety in Wonder Woman Issue 17. While the attack on the mansion occurs at nighttime, the inside is brightly lit against white-walled rooms. This maintains interest as the book is repeatedly balancing dark and light. Even in the darkness, Donna shines with her starry costume and lasso.
Wonder Woman is also resplendent and gloriously bright, demonstrating her attempts to improve her mood after tragedy. The lettering features extravagant SFX during the battle, while the text in word balloons and caption boxes is the same in every issue, keeping it consistently easy to read.
Wonder Woman Issue 17 continues the cathartic conflict. Instead of a massive final battle against the Sovereign, the King has shown how to dismantle an empire piece by piece. It’s been a slow but sure revenge plot, hitting this so-called King in every area he holds dear. That it happens throughout an entire arc feels more compelling and satisfying, drawing out the pain.
And throughout it all, Diana can sit back and raise her child. Even when Charles tried to destroy every part of Wonder Woman’s life, her family showed that they would continue fighting for her even if she didn’t know they were doing it.
Wonder Woman Issue 17 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Wonder Woman Issue 17
Wonder Woman Issue 17 continues the cathartic conflict. Instead of a massive final battle against the Sovereign, the King has shown how to dismantle an empire piece by piece.