The Dragon Prince Season 7 sees the Netflix fantasy series come to an end. This is the final season of the animated epic created by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond. The heroes have fought to prevent the powerful Startouch elf, Aaravos (Erik Dellums), from breaking free from his prison. But now he is out and ready to complete his revenge.
The plot brings seven seasons of history and preparation to a close, leading to one final confrontation. The various storylines taking place across the world of Xadia have led to this last moment. But first, there are still plot threads from previous chapters that need to be completed. The city of Katolis is destroyed, leading to a dark and traumatised beginning. King Ezran (Sasha Rojen) suffers the most from the destruction, turning much darker and angrier than he ever has.
Runaan (Jonathan Holmes), a Moonshadow elf who is also Rayla’s adoptive father, is freed from captivity. But now he is released, the fact that he killed the father of Ezran and Callum (Jack De Sena) now has consequences. He assassinated the king, and it is important that such a heinous act isn’t just. These elements destabilise the group of heroes, which makes it easy for Aaravos to carry on with his plans with Claudia (Racquel Burrows), his herald and servant. Ehasz and Richmond ensure that every single death carries weight and ramifications. This is the case no matter if the life is a dragon, a king, or a tiny bird.
The pacing in the first half of The Dragon Prince Season 7 can be disjointed. It is more focused on personal problems and breaking up the groups, making it feel like the writers have forgotten it’s the final season. But by the second half, they remember, and the show moves at a terrific velocity. The plans made on either side reach their culmination together.
The Dragon Prince Season 7 tackles its many threads
At the heart of this series are love and kindness, and they always will be. Even when the show reaches its darkest, when all seems lost, and hope looks far away, it finds humor and heart everywhere. It is that that presses against the forces of evil.
The ending is satisfying but open-ended. It shows that this is a world with constant threats and progression. At the end of The Dragon Prince Season 7, so many unanswered questions make you scream for more. Simultaneously, the magnitude of the battle and the sacrifices are beautiful and profound. The battle is the perfect culmination, rewarding viewers for sticking with the series. So many parts of The Dragon Prince mythology are brought together to finally pay off, and it is satisfying to see destinies be reached.
The Dragon Prince has always mixed the sensitivity of domestic and trying to change the fate of the whole world. That comes from the characters, all of which are beautifully written and voiced. Seeing the characters grow and now face the most challenging fight of their lives. The destruction of Katolis has vanquished the purity that was in their hearts.
Ezran has been forced to grow up quickly, and perhaps the most genuine and innocent character has turned dark. He harbors anger in his heart for the first time ever, and it is one of the most distressing and gravitating storylines of the show. To defeat Aaravos, the heroes may have to become people they aren’t.
All of the main and supporting characters are given a form of ending, which serves as a reminder of the size of the world and the various threads that have run through Xadia. But there is also the idea that lives will continue after the ending, so there isn’t an air of finality around many of them.
Love perseveres, but villainy proves to be the highlight
The love between the characters binds them. Callum and Rayla (Paula Burrows) spend much of the story talking about their love for each other, which makes them exude strength and confidence. Rayla, who has suffered so much pain and isolation throughout seven seasons, is finally allowed to exist among her kind and her family. Her story is one of those that feels complete.
The diversity in character age is fascinating, and the voice actors’ performances are perfect for demonstrating the difference. The humans are not much older than children, and Ezran is still a child. Yet, they are forced to make decisions and sacrifices that shape the world’s future. They have learned so much, and seeing their education blossom is heartwarming. But there are also immortal, ancient characters. The dragons and archdragons have a profound power to their voices, and their dialogue has a perfect resonance.
The highlight of this final season is the antagonist, Aaravos. His voice is smooth, rich, and sultry, capable of sucking characters in and compelling them to listen to his words. The audience can feel centuries of manipulation and agony in each syllable of his tone. The revelation of his daughter’s tragic death in the previous season has made his anger so much more understandable and frightening. Just a child, Leola was executed by cosmic beings for the purpose of universal balance.
This immeasurable pain has driven every action Aaravos takes, elevating the scale of his plan. The villains’ war is not with an individual person but with the stars themselves. What makes the character so terrifying is that he never shouts. He’s never furious, often just speaking calmly to others around him. When rage does seep into his dialogue, Dellums keeps the line delivery quiet and direct.
The relationship between Aaravos and Claudia gets closer in The Dragon Prince Season 7. Aaravos lost his daughter, and Claudia lost her father, leading to them finding the other to be a replacement for what was lost. Claudia is another character who reaches the peak of her trajectory in the final season. Even as her usage of dark magic reaches extremities, she can still be sweet, silly, and funny. Her biggest decision is between her boyfriend, Terry (Benjamin Callins) and Aaravos. One is pure, gentle, and soulful. The other is an embodiment of darkness.
In the end, The Dragon Prince goes out with a bang
The art of the show is phenomenal. As characters reach their final forms, they get powered up. Some get stunning armor designs, proving themselves as warriors and mages. The dragons are captivating whenever they appear, serving as the pride of the series. They are massive and imposing, dwarfing anything else on the screen. And each one has their own design. Just the sound of their wings creates a sense of strength and majesty. Aaravos is also massive, making anyone opposing him look weak and fragile.
The locations have been homes for the characters and sources of both awe and comfort, but now they are battlegrounds for war. These locations are more than just art pieces; they are functional and soulful, representing history. The stars in the sky are more important than ever and are a beautiful tapestry. When Aaravos looks at those stars with a malicious grin, there is so much meaning now that the audience knows what is out there.
The Dragon Prince Season 7 ends as a true fantasy epic. The show evolves into a quest to save the universe and a love story in all forms. Love is at the centre of every character’s decisions in their own way. It can either be love that pushes the heroes to try and save the world or the loss of one’s love that makes them desperate to end it. The animation and art style are flawless, a spectacle in scale and detail. The performances thrive in inflicting hope and pain, which tear at the heart.
There is so much room for more, yet The Dragon Prince Season 7 still offers a satisfying conclusion. The show discusses how devastating grief is and that it is okay to be sad, but these are also measured with humor and happiness. It’s a show for the whole family; everyone can read the message at the end.
The Dragon Prince Season 7 streams exclusively on Netflix December 19, 2024.
The Dragon Prince Season 7
The Dragon Prince Season 7 ends as a true fantasy epic. The show evolves into a quest to save the universe and a love story in all forms. It’s a show for the whole family; everyone can read the message at the end.