Quick, hide your banana organs. The aliens are after them! Momo and Okarun face off against the creepy alien invaders once again, but this time, they have Aira on their side. DanDaDan Episode 9, “Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!” pits the trio against a freaky threat with new powers still to be unlocked.
At the end of the last episode, the big reveal is that Aira can use Acrobatic Silky’s powers. These powers work similarly to Okarun and Turbo Granny and make sense after Silky’s sacrifice to bring Aira back to life. Her abilities became known at the perfect time as things started to feel hopeless for the naked and extremely uncomfortable Okarun.
A funny little interaction between Aira and Okarun plays on Aira’s obsession with Okarun. It wouldn’t be an episode of DanDaDan without crude humor. DanDaDan Episode 9 nails the introduction’s tone before jumping into exciting action.
Aira’s moves are acrobatic. She gracefully and skillfully leaps around the hallway where the fight takes place. This opening fight sequence is an excellent way for the animators at Science Saru to flex their creative muscles. The way they have Aira floating across the screen is breathtaking and only further enhances the visual quality of the series.
Humor keeps DanDaDan’s core whole in Episode 9.
All this fighting is supposed to be severe and intense, but Dan Da Dan Episode 9 keeps adding humor in ways that never detract from the action. The whole but about Okarun being naked and embarrassed continues to play out here in different ways that make it feel funny without being unnatural. Aira’s opponents are not exactly on the same page, so some chaos is thrown into the mix that earns a few chuckles.
The fighting also serves a purpose. The aliens are harvesting banana organs to try to evolve, and Aira presents a new opportunity for them. Here is a third special person with unique abilities that they can unlock. She is not just fighting to save herself and Okarun but also trying to keep the aliens from unlocking even more powers. It is also nice to have villains with at least some motive, even if it isn’t nearly as moving as Acrobatic Silky’s was earlier in the season.
One aspect of the fight sequence that might go underappreciated is the pacing. New reveals happen promptly, which keeps it from getting repetitive. Whether it is a new ability or a new character joining the fray, there is plenty to keep it fresh from start to finish.
This is especially important since the entire episode is one extended fight sequence. It would be easy to bog the fight down with overextended monologues or drawn-out action moments with repetitive motions, but DanDaDan Episode 9 never falls into those traps. Everything that happens is for a reason, and those reasons are apparent to viewers.
DanDaDan Episode 9 uses action and battle to build up its characters.
The battle ultimately improves the bonds between the central trio. They are an unlikely group that would not be friends had it not been for the paranormal activities that brought them together. We’ve already seen Momo and Okarun start to develop a real character-driver relationship, but Aira has only been a foil to that so far. DanDaDan Episode 9 changes that by putting all three characters in the same pickle, and they must work together to get out of it.
DanDaDan Episode 9 also nails the ability to defy all expectations by going as outlandish as possible. Just when you think things are as crazy as they can be, another “wtf” moment is thrown in there like it is supposed to be expected. Every second of the episode, and much of the series, is dripping with an absurdity that can be hard to explain. But those absurd moments are used as devices to drive a narrative that has surprising depth lurking beneath a chaotic and inexplicable surface entirely of genital-stealing aliens and ghosts.
There are also plenty of great visual moments in DanDaDan Episode 9. The episode starts with a yellow tint, but things turn green as significant plot points take place. This isn’t the first time the series has placed a specific color filter over the scenes, but it helps make the turn of events stick out. Things look different because they are different. The stakes change, the relationships evolve, and the environment changes to reflect that. It is a way to get the viewer’s attention that the situation is changing, making it visually appealing to watch.
DanDaDan Episode 9 delivers exciting action and absurd humor while advancing the main trio and developing their relationships. It is a funny, tense, and purely chaotic adventure from start to finish.
DanDaDan Episode 9 is airing now on Netflix and Crunchyroll.
DanDaDan Episode 9 — “Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!”
DanDaDan Episode 9 delivers exciting action and absurd humor, all while pushing along the main trio and developing their relationships. It is a funny, tense, and purely chaotic adventure from start to finish.