One of the standout features of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is that the entire game can be played with friends. Developed by Saber Interactive and published by Focus Entertainment, both the story campaign and Operations modes can be played with up to three players, while the Endless War PvP mode pits players against one another in teams of six. Now, Space Marine 2 is unequivocally great, but how much does co-op play change the experience? Well, it changes it a lot, and all for the better.
When talking about Space Marine 2 co-op, one needs to specify whether they are talking about playing in campaign or the Operations mode. The differences in how players engage with both modes have some surprisingly large consequences in how they are impacted by cooperative play, but both are improved.
So, let’s start with the campaign. Even while playing campaign missions alone the player is joined by two bot characters that each have a unique ability to use and are their own characters in the narrative. When multiple players jump into the campaign, the second and third players take control of those characters, including their unique abilities. The character a player controls is determined by the order they join the game rather than being able to pick it themselves, which is a bit strange.
However, the mission design is the real standout of playing the campaign in co-op. Many campaign missions in Space Marine 2 feel more like levels from a dedicated co-op puzzle game rather than levels in a shooter. For example, one level early in the campaign challenges players with defending terminals while being swarmed by rat-like creatures that can only be cowed with the use of a special flamethrower weapon. While tending off the smaller weapons, players are also attacked by standard Tyranid units that the flamethrower is ineffective against.
This mission becomes a really fun mix of splitting up responsibilities in co-op. One player mans the flamethrower while one or two others focus on protecting them from the aggressive standard enemies. The team has to cover one another and coordinate dynamically while staying in a tight area around their objective. It’s a fun setpiece that players actually get to play through, and it’s all the more memorable because of it.
Even outside of setpiece moments, combat in Space Marine 2 is vastly improved by playing in combat. Combat encounters in Space Marine 2 comprise enemies that can be split into two categories: smaller horde enemies and bigger elite units. Horde enemies swarm the player and are easily dealt with using weapons focusing on dealing damage over a wider area of effect. In contrast, elite enemies require a more focused, singular approach. Switching between the two while playing alone can be very difficult, especially in the massive final battles that cap off many missions.
When playing in co-op, however, players can again divide and conquer these targets a bit more. They do this by equipping different weapons throughout missions. One player can equip a stalker bolt rifle to snipe ranged enemies and then a plasma pistol and combat knife to duel elite enemies that get close one-on-one. Meanwhile, another player can equip a melta rifle to blast hordes of smaller enemies and a chainsword and bolt pistol to have a wider melee swing that helps them kill groups faster. The coordination adds a great layer of additional fun on top of every campaign mission, especially on higher difficulties.
These additional layers to combat are also present when playing the Operations mode, but the mode comes with the added elements of six upgradeable classes. Each class comes with a unique ability and different weapon options. The Vanguard is a close-quarters class that can launch itself at enemies with a grappling hook. And the Bulwark is a space marine equipped with a melee weapon and shield but no primary gun that can place a rallying flag that fills the armor of nearby allies.
Each class favors a different playstyle so mixing and matching them together with others on a team is a really fun puzzle to piece together. Playing around one another’s strengths and weaknesses is great, and finding a winning combo feels great. There are no restrictions either, so players are able to double or even triple up on classes and really play around with them.
Most games can be made better by bringing a friend or two along for the ride. Joking around and sharing fun moments with others is always a great time, and it’s always better when playing together opens up a game’s mechanics and features. This is the case for Space Marine 2 co-op and to great effect. Playing with other players only makes Space Marine 2′‘s combat more nuanced and engaging while opening up every player’s options in its Operations mode. While playing alone is plenty of fun, it only gets better when you can bring a friend or two along for the xenos-stomping ride.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.