My Deer Friend Nokotan (Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan) is a new comedy anime series based on the manga by Oshioshio and created by Wit Studio. My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1, “GIRL MEETS DEER,” introduces viewers to Torako Koshi and her new friend, the titular Nokotan, as a series of hijinx together begins.
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 starts with an introduction to Koshi. The first 44 seconds set the scene with these perfect girls and their perfect school. There is soft, gentle music playing in the background as this very serene and perfect series about a high school is about to begin.
But then, at the 45th second, My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 wastes no time letting viewers know this show is going to be absolutely absurd. We get our first glimpse of the photorealistic CGI deer that will play a frequent role in the episode, as well as the dark “Shika!” chanting that often accompanies them. The abrupt tonal change leading right into the incredibly catchy opening theme song is a perfect glimpse at the inexplicable madhouse the episode is about to be.
Koshi is a character who is seen as a perfect girl, the example everyone should strive to match. But, it turns out, she used to be a delinquent. Her nice girl image is just a mask for her wild past and internal monologue. All of this is explained through a hilarious narrator who helps deliver the comedic timing.
Then we meet Nokotan. Or, rather, we see her hanging from her antlers on a power line. There is a dark joke made here, but thankfully, she is alive and well. The first fourth-wall-breaking moment happens here when Koshi makes a reference to maybe having a later time slot because of the darker material. The first interaction between this duo shows what the comedy of this series is going to become. The two play off each other, with Nokotan constantly causing problems for Koshi.
That dynamic evolves when Nokotan shows up at Koshi’s school as a new student. Nokotan can’t fit through the door with her antlers, so instead of just turning her head, she smashes through the door, all while we get more of the “Shika!” chanting. It is more absurdist humor that might not gel with everyone, but it is delivered well. She ends up having to sit next to Koshi; another joke is made about how the empty seat available next to Koshi is a common trope in school anime.
Everyone at the school absolutely adores Nokotan. They are not phased by her violent actions or over-the-top comments. They all just love this sweet little deer girl. Even the CGI deer popping up doesn’t seem to be noticed by anyone except for Koshi. Koshi, of course, can’t stand Nokotan and is confused as to why no one sees anything wrong with this. Nokotan’s comments about Koshi’s virginity, calling her “Ms. Delinquet,” and her general deer nature are all just accepted as normal and true by everyone except for Koshi.
Just from what we see in My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 it looks like this series is going to be all about Nokotan unintentionally making Koshi’s life a living h***. It is hard to tell if it is planned or not since Nokotan is so aloof, but either way it turns out would still be quite funny. The dynamic between the two works perfectly from the start.
Koshi’s internal dialogue juxtaposed with her external comments work in tandem to show the two different sides of Koshi’s life. Nokotan’s role is to try to bridge those two in a comedic way, and so far, it delivers. Koshi doesn’t really have a choice but to accept this weird new classmate and how chaotic she is going to make things. There is some real character development between the two as well, but the payoff from these moments is still always meant to be funny.
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 just keeps throwing out absurd scenarios one after the other. It does not try to trick viewers into thinking this show is going to be anything other than absurdist comedy. It is the type of comedy that is either going to be loved or hated; it’s hard to be on the fence about it. It is delivered very well, but it might not be for everyone. Hopefully, the series can expand more on the heart beneath everything, making it both funny and a bit heartwarming.
There is not much depth to My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 either, by design. This is not going to be a serious series at all and instead just aims to get laughs at every opportunity. Some of the bits could start to feel tiresome if they keep up at the same pace. It works very well in the premiere by setting expectations and telling viewers exactly what is coming next.
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 is a wild ride that never slows down with the absurdist deer-based comedy. It’s hard to tell how well this will work over an entire season, but the premiere is very interesting and absolutely hilarious.
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 1 is a wild ride that never slows down with the absurdist deer-based comedy. It’s hard to tell how well this will work over an entire season, but the premiere is very interesting and absolutely hilarious.