Hot on the heels of the hit anime series, SAND LAND finds a new avenue to tell creator Akira Toriyama’s story about the Fiend Prince Beelzebub and his adventures. Developed by ILCA and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, this role-playing game takes players on a wonderful adventure through Sand Land.
SAND LAND follows the story of Beelzebub, his chaperone Thief, and the human Sheriff Rao on their quest to find the Legendary Spring. The king of Sand Land has a monopoly on water, leaving the human and fiend residents of Sand Land desperate for water. This unlikely trio comes together to try to help everyone who has been crushed beneath the heel of the king.
The idea of an unlikely team coming together for a common purpose is not a new one, but SAND LAND goes about it quite well. The main characters in the trio are fleshed out and play extremely important roles. Beelzebub is the son of the great Demon King Lucifer who is trying to get out from his father’s shadow. He wants to prove that he can lead and help make a difference. Thief is brought along reluctantly at first to assist Beelzebub, but he slowly opens up into a really great character.
Rao is the character in SAND LAND with the most lurking in his background. He was a former general with extensive war experience that left him scarred. He tried to live a quiet life as a sheriff, but seeing how desperate people were for water pushed him into action. The way he tries to reconcile with who he used to be and who he has become is fascinating to watch unfold.
There is also a wide variety of side characters to meet along the way that help make the world feel even more alive. Some, like Ann, play a pivotal role in the story and are helpful all along the way. Others may start off as enemies, but circumstances cause them to work side-by-side with Beelzebub and the crew. And then some are just downright evil and need to be stopped.
The variety of side characters in SAND LAND and the fact that relationships can change over time make it important to spend as much time talking to other characters and exploring the different towns and other locations. There is a lot of depth to the story told through even the smallest characters. It also helps Beelzebub’s quest matter more when you know who he is fighting for as well as who he is facing off against.
The one real downside with all of these characters is that their voice lines can get a bit repetitive. It is a little frustrating to hear the same suggestions or comments over and over again. It does not ruin the experience at all, but an option to turn of in-game suggestions would be appreciated. Or it would be nice to at least have a bit more variety in the commentary from non-player characters.
Combat in SAND LAND is fought in two main ways. The first is ordinary melee combat. Utilizing skills that can be upgraded over time, Beelzebub and his team fight against ground troops quite often. There is nothing groundbreaking with the melee combat here, but it is still a blast to play. The character movements are fluid and action is fun to watch.
But the real highlight is the vehicular combat. The first main vehicle you unlock is the Royal Army tank and boy is it fun to use. It has a main machine gun for smaller enemies and a rocket turret for fighting against other vehicles. SAND LAND does a great job of introducing the vehicles slowly over time and how to best use them. This includes telling players about how to approach combat, using the environment to hide from enemies and strategically knowing when to reload.
Other vehicles are unlocked as the story progresses as well that are equally fun to use. It helps that each vehicle can be upgraded with weapon and utility parts found out in the field. It is not the most in-depth upgrade system, but the streamlined and easy-to-understand approach makes it simple for users to pick up. It also allows for a variety of combat build options, helping players approach the story in their own way.
These vehicles are also used to explore the world of SAND LAND. Traversing the desolate desert or the beautiful landscapes of Forest Land is some of the most fun in-game traveling out there. You can even turn on an autopilot function that will accelerate for you, all you need to do is steer when necessary. There are times when you’ll just want to cruise around through the well-crafted world and see what secrets are out there to uncover.
While the gameplay is fun and there is a lot to explore, enough cannot be said about how gorgeous SAND LAND looks. Toriyama is one of the most beloved creators and his creativity is visible throughout every second. There is so much detail when it comes to side characters, enemies, and locations that it is impossible to take your eyes off the game. The contrast between Sand Land and Forest Land too is striking and showcases the incredible creativity of the team at ILCA.
SAND LAND is a gorgeous and heartfelt game that brings together unlikely allies on an epic quest. It is fun to play, beautiful to look at, and an unforgettable journey for everyone to enjoy.
SAND LAND releases April 26th on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
SAND LAND is a gorgeous and heartfelt game that brings together unlikely allies on an epic quest. It is fun to play, beautiful to look at, and an unforgettable journey for everyone to enjoy.