Led by Lord Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada), his allies have escaped to the fishing village of Anjiro. Shōgun Episode 4, “The Eightfold Fence,” follows Toranaga, John Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis), Lady Mariko (Anna Sawai), and Lord Yabushige (Tadanobu Asano) as they navigate Toranaga’s war. Will they be able to fight back against the Council of Regents, or will they ultimately fall short?
Shōgun Episode 4 brings us right back to where it all started. Anjiro is where Blackthorne’s ship was originally shipwrecked. He was held captive here and witnessed horrible atrocities that gave him a bad first impression of Japan. Now he is back as Toranaga’s hatamoto, or bannerman. His new job is to train Toranaga’s men to use the cannons from the Erasmus. His title makes him an important ally of Toranaga and signifies how much their relationship has changed.
The arrival of the crew at Anjiro is an opportunity to see all of the pomp and circumstance on full display. Yabushige returning home with their Lord is a massive honor. The people rush to clean up the town and Yabushige’s army is mustered to greet the newcomers. They are so intimidating that Blackthorne voices his concern about their loyalties. It is an example of how Blackthorne may not completely understand Japanese culture but he does understand people. Their strength would be devastating to Toranaga if they turned against their Lord.
Toranaga receives an even louder cheer of support than Yabushige. This is more foreshadowing that their relationship will be tested. Still, they are allies for now and Toranaga trusts his vassal. He trusts him so much, in fact, that he just drops everyone else at his doorstep and inexplicably leaves for an “urgent matter.” It is frustrating to have such an important character leave in the middle of things. He has to trust everyone else to make the right decisions, but ultimately they are left to their own devices.
That theme of loyalty is central to Shōgun Episode 4. Loyalty is brought up again when Lady Mariko asks the widow Lady Fuji to act as Blackthorne’s consort. She doesn’t want to serve the barbarian, but loyalty to Toranaga demands that she honor his wishes. Though she is hesitant at first, she ultimately sees Mariko as a shining example of what she should do.
Blackthorne, for his part, does not want a consort either. His most pronounced character trait is that he really, really respects women. There are definitely worse things to be known for. He comes to an arrangement where he won’t dishonor Lady Fuji by sending her away. This satisfies Mariko and helps her continue to evolve her relationship with Blackthorne. There is a specific moment where it seems like their relationship goes to the next level. It is left a bit ambiguous, but for now, there is more bubbling beneath the surface with these two.
Despite his growing stature, Blackthorne is still underneath Toranaga. He is not his own free man. His mission to train Toranaga’s men is a promotion, yes, but it does not mean he is fully trusted. His frustration is palpable. Jarvis delivers another commanding performance highlighting Blackthorne’s struggle. He is willing to help, but he wants to earn his freedom too. Jarvis wrestles with these torn emotions in a compelling way that brings Blackthorne to life.
And then there is Yabushige. The crafty, cunning, and conflicted Yabushige. He is a vassal of Toranaga and is loyal to him, but he has to protect himself. He is not as hostile to Ishido Kazunari (Takehiro Hira) as Toranaga would like. There are hints that he might even betray Toranaga to Ishido. It’s hard to know which way Yabushige is leaning. Asano’s performance helps build the mystique around Yabushige. He is one of the most compelling characters because he could tip the scales in either direction. Shōgun Episode 4 showcases how important he can be while also starting to set a more solid path for himself.
Blackthorne’s testing of the cannons presents several interesting opportunities. Yabushige has a chance to show Ishido’s messengers what he could bring to the table if he were to double-cross Toronaga. Blackthorne is showing his knowledge and abilities as a leader, even though he does not have real experience. But there is also an opportunity for Toranaga’s son, Yoshii Nagakado (Yuki Kura), in his absence. He makes a decision that changes the course of the series in a way no one can undo. It also hamstrings several other characters and forces their hand.
It is great to see so many plans undone by the rash actions of a child trying to prove himself. Yoshii thinks he is a grand strategist and knows what he is doing. He wants to show his father when he returns that he is a capable leader and should be placed above Blackthorne and Yabushige. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out once we find out where and why Toranaga disappeared.
Shōgun Episode 4 marks a turning point for the series while continuing to build up its main characters. Events that take place here will change the course of events permanently and have forced the hands of many. Only time will tell if Toranaga can return in time to achieve victory.
Shōgun Episode 4 is available now on FX and Hulu. with new episodes released weekly.
Shōgun Episode 4 – "The Eightfold Fence"
Shōgun Episode 4 marks a turning point for the series while continuing to build up its main characters. Events that take place here will change the course of events permanently and have forced the hands of many. Only time will tell if Toranaga can return in time to achieve victory.