With the conclusion of the Remix Rumble Championship, it’s time to look ahead to what comes next for Teamfight Tactics. Riot Games has announced the next set is “Inkborn Fables” and the champions are great. There is a lot to go over with new champions, new traits, game features, and more. Important to note, the below information is not final. A big thanks to Riot for letting us partner with them for this early look at the new set.
Inkborn Fables has 61 champions, making up the roster of choices for players to build their teams. While most faces will be familiar to fans, two never-before-seen characters are gracing the game. Alune and Kobuko are coming to Teamfight Tactics despite not being Champions from Riot’s Flagship League of Legends game. Also, a certain pair of lovers are getting to appear together in this set as a duo-champion (see their special trait Lovers in the trait section for full details).
Full list of Inkborn Fables Champions below:
Character     Cost     Traits
Aatrox        2g       Inkshadow
Ahri          1g       Arcanist, Fated
Alune        3g       Invoker, Umbral
Amumu      3g       Porcelain, Warden
Annie        4g       Fortune, Invoker
Aphelios      3g       Fated, Sniper
Ashe         4g       Porcelain, Sniper
Azir          5g       Dryad, Invoker
Bard          3g       Mythic, Trickshot
Caitlyn        1g       Ghostly, Sniper
Cho’Gath      1g       Behemoth, Mythic
Darius        1g       Duelist, Umbral
Diana         3g       Dragonlord, Sage
Galio          4g       Brusier, Storyweaver
Garen         1g       Stoneweaver, Warden
Gnar          2g       Dryad, Warden
Hwei          5g       Artist, Mythic
Illoai         3g        Arcanist, Ghostly, Warden
Irelia         5g        Duelist, Storyweaver
Janna         2g        Dragonlord, Invoker
Jax           1g        Inkshadow, Warden
Kai’Sa         4g        Inkshadow, Trickshot
Kayne         4g        Ghostly, Reaper
Kha’Zix        1g        Heavenly, Reaper
Kindred       2g        Dryad, Fated, Reaper
Kobuko        1g        Bruiser, Fortune
Kog’Maw       1g        Invoker, Mythic, Sniper
Lee Sin         4g        Dragonlord, Duelist
Lillia           4g        Invoker, Mythic
Lissandra       5g        Arcanist, Porcelain
Lux            2g        Arcanist, Porcelain
Malphite        1g        Behemoth, Heavenly
Morgana        4g       Ghostly, Sage
Nautilus        4g       Mythic, Warden
Neeko           2g       Arcanist, Heavenly, Mythic
Ornn           4g       Behemoth, Dryad
Qiyana          2g       Duelist, Heavenly
Rakan          5g       Altruist, Dragonlord, Lovers
Rek’Sai         1g       Bruiser, Dryad
Riven           2g       Storyweaver
Senna          2g       Inkshadow, Sniper
Sett            5g       Fated, Umbral, Warden
Shen           2g       Fated, Ghostly
Sivir            1g       Storyweaver, Trickshot
Soraka         3g       Altruist, Heavenly
Sylas           4g       Bruiser, Umbral
Syndra         4g        Arcanist, Fated
Tahm Kench    3g       Bruiser, Mythic
Teemo         2g       Fortune, Trickshot
Thresh         3g       Behemoth, Fated
Tristana       3g        Duelist, Fortune
Udyr          5g        Spirit Walker
Volibear       3g       Duelist, Inkshadow
WuKong       5g       Great, Heavenly, Sage
Xayah         5g       Dragonlord, Lovers, Trickshot
Xayah & Rakan 5g       Dragonlord, Lovers, Trickshot/Altruist
Yasuo         1g       Duelist, Fated
Yone          3g       Reaper, Umbral
Yorick         2g       Behemoth, Umbral
Zoe           3g       Storyweaver
Zyra           2g       Sage, Storyweaver