Brave Bang Bravern! (Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern) is a mecha anime series that wants viewers to know it is a new take on the genre. The original series is produced by Cygames, animated by CygamesPictures, and directed by Masami Ōbari. It manages to provide world-ending stakes with a more humorous approach that makes it stand out from other mecha anime series.
Brave Bang Bravern! tells the story of Isami Ao, a pilot in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force. Isami is a Titatonostrider pilot. These Titatonostriders are robotic exosuits designed for pure combat. Isami meets the American Marine Lewis Smith while on a joint training mission with the Americans in Hawaii. This duo is the backbone of the entire series.
Right off the bat, there is something between Isama and Lewis Smith. It is never explicitly said to be romantic, but it absolutely is. The show is littered with homoerotic overtones that almost never stop. It is usually approached over the-top jokingly, but the relationship between the two is genuine.
That alone helps Brave Bang Bravern! set itself apart. There aren’t exactly many male-led gay mecha anime series out there. While the two characters grow on their own trajectory, they keep coming back to each other. Their relationship also ties in with Isami’s relationship with Bravern, the giant mysterious mech he meets at the start of the series. Bravern brings the two together in very interesting ways that are really fun to watch as they unfold.
Isami and Bravern find themselves up against the invading Deathdrives. Deathdrives are super powerful robots from outer space. They and their human pilots set out to find their personal pleasure and then achieve their dream deaths. It’s a really weird concept but it is also hilarious in action. Deathdrives are strong and tough to beat, but their dialogue is downright hysterical.
The best part of Brave Bang Bravern! is the writing. The characters are all unique and the voice-acting delivery helps enhance that. But it is the humor that really stands out. There is a constant deluge of jokes interspersed between moments of action that never failed to put a smile on my face.
The tonal balance between serious and funny can be tricky. Brave Bang Bravern! does such a great job because it makes the jokes feel normal even though they are anything but. It is absurd that Isami has to go naked into a pile of goo inside of a giant robot. So it makes sense that they would make jokes about that. One of the robots is so desperate for pleasure that it wants to sleep with a human. That is such a wild thing, but with everything else going on it feels normal.
Crucially, the jokes never get old. The tone helps keep things from ever feeling too serious or depressing. Instead, no matter how dire the situation, there is always some comic relief to make it all better. It is somehow both sophomoric and endearing at the same time. Most people also turn to humor to cope with stress, so it makes sense that the characters in Brave Bang Bravern! would do the same. Intentionally or otherwise.
Action is Brave Bang Bravern! is also top-notch. It would be understandable if a comedic series let the standards slip when it comes to animation, but this does not. Each mecha suit is incredibly detailed and the movement is fluid. Giant robots glide across the screens like ballerinas with lasers and massive swords. Clashing opponents flash across the screen in high-octane action. It all enhances the great writing.
The character designs are super interesting as well. Bravern’s color scheme is quite different than anyone else’s. It focuses on red and white as the main colors. His design morphs over time, but that only makes him stand out even more. The Deathdrives typically have darker colors. Superbia, the first main Deathdrive that gets shown, has a purple color scheme. Those darker looks make them look more imposing as Bravern and Isami take them on.
All of this is buoyed by a bopping musical score. The theme song is energetic and full of fun, and that carries over into the rest of the series. Bravern’s theme can be heard in the background during epic battles which keeps the tone from being overbearing. The brass blasting away in the background also makes the fighting even more epic.
Brave Bang Bravern! is a surprisingly charming and hysterical take on the mecha anime genre. It is full of great action and visual design that makes it a standout of the season. Hopefully, we get to see more of Isami and Lewis Smith’s relationship in a future season.
Brave Bang Bravern! is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Brave Bang Bravern!
Brave Bang Bravern! is a surprisingly charming and hysterical take on the mecha anime genre. It is full of great action and visual design that makes it a standout of the season.