In the iconic sports manga and anime series Slam Dunk, written by Takehiko Inoue, point guard Ryota Miyagi emerges as a key player and a fan favorite. As a Shohoku High School basketball team member, Miyagi plays the team’s point guard role, making critical plays and showcasing remarkable tenacity on the court. Despite not being the central figure in the original Slam Dunk series, Ryota takes center stage in The First Slam Dunk film.
The film centers around Ryota’s passion for basketball as he strives to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, Sota, while simultaneously trying to break free from his brother’s shadow. Through Ryota Miyagi’s journey, The First Slam Dunk offers an engaging exploration of love, dedication, and the pursuit of self-discovery on the basketball court. As viewers, we witness his growth as a player and individual, cheering him on as he overcomes challenges and makes his mark on the game he cherishes so profoundly. In this article, I will dive into the various aspects of Ryota Miyagi’s character, background, skills, and development throughout the series.
Ryota Miyagi is Okinawan with short, curly pompadour dark brown hair. Initially, he is known for having a delinquent personality like Sakuragi due to all the fights he would get into. Following the untimely deaths of his father and brother, Miyagi’s mother relocated the family to Kanagawa. With a height of 5’6″, he does not possess the towering height of some of his teammates. However, that does not deter him from playing the sport he loves and becoming one of the best players in Japan. Miyagi’s speed, fiery spirit, and unwavering determination make him a standout player. His never-give-up attitude and fierce competitiveness also earned him the respect of teammates and opponents.
Exceptionally Skilled Player
What Miyagi lacks in height, he more than makes up for with his impressive ball-handling skills and court vision skills. His ability to precisely read the game and distribute the ball to his teammates makes him a vital asset to Shohoku High. Miyagi is also known for his speed and passing skills. He can navigate the court and penetrate defenders to score or create opportunities for his teammates by using his rapid ball-handling skills paired with quick footwork. Miyagi’s defensive skills are equally impressive, enabling him to steal the ball from opponents and thwart their offensive plays. Despite his smaller stature, he compensates with quick reflexes and a relentless pursuit of the ball.
Modeled after Spud Webb
The mangaka, Takahashi Inoue, continues his tradition of modeling his characters after professional NBA players with Miyagi. Similar to Sakuragi’s design being inspired by Dennis Rodman, Miyagi is likely based on former NBA player Spud Webb. Both players share the same position and height at 5’6″ but are known for their speed to get through defenders. Like Webb, Miyagi is known for standing tall despite his relatively small stature and holding his own against players much taller than him.
Relationships with Teammates
Miyagi’s camaraderie with his teammates plays a crucial role in the series. His partnership with Sakuragi Hanamichi, the team’s power forward, is particularly noteworthy. Initially, the two of them clashed due to their contrasting personalities. However, as they spent more time together on and off the court, their friendship grew, and they developed a deep bond. Their interactions provide both comedic relief and heartwarming moments throughout the series. Miyagi also strongly connects with other teammates like the team captain Akagi and his fellow backcourt player, Kaede Rukawa. Although the three characters have different personalities, they share mutual respect and an understanding of their love of basketball.
Love and Relationships
In Slam Dunk, much of Miyagi’s life is intertwined with his basketball journey, which also goes for his love life. Miyagi has romantic feelings for Ayako, the Shohoku basketball club manager. Like Sakuragi’s love interest, Haruko, one of Miyagi’s motivations for playing basketball is to earn Ayako’s affection. However, unlike Haruko, Ayako is not dense and is very aware of Ryota’s feelings for her.
We can assume Ayako may return his feelings one day, but due to her position as the team manager, that could complicate their dynamic. Their relationship developed more during the Inter high championship match against Sannoh. Ayako encouraged him after he began to feel nervous about the upcoming crucial match. Before the big game, Ayako wrote the “number one guard” in Miyagi’s hand to help keep him focused and to show she has faith in his potential as Kanagawa’s best point guard.
Growth and Overcoming Trauma
Throughout the main series Slam Dunk, Ryota Miyagi undergoes significant growth and development. From bouts of self-doubt to a confident and tenacious point guard, his character arc is inspiring and relatable. Miyagi’s journey reflects the essence of sports manga, emphasizing the value of perseverance, teamwork, and personal growth.
The First Slam Dunk explores Ryota’s past in greater detail than fans have seen. In the film, we learn that Ryota’s brother, Sota, was the main source of inspiring him to play basketball. Ryota admired his brother’s basketball skills and talent and wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a great player. However, one day Sota left to go fishing. Ryota was upset that he decided to leave after promising to play another game with him.
As Ryota Miyagi continues to pursue basketball, it inadvertently creates tension with his grieving mother, Kaoru, who sees her eldest son in him. However, Ryota gradually confronts his grief through newfound friendships and connections, rebuilding his bond with his mother. Fueled by newfound resolution and confidence, he strives to achieve their shared dream of becoming one of Japan’s top basketball players, wearing his brother’s red wristband during the championship game as a tribute to Sota’s enduring spirit.
Ryota Miyagi’s impact on the Slam Dunk story is undeniable. As fans continue to celebrate and cherish this legendary manga and anime series, Miyagi’s name will be etched in basketball enthusiasts’ hearts worldwide.
You can watch the complete Slam Dunk series on Crunchyroll, and The First Slam Dunk is in theaters now.