Nightwing #102 from DC finds Nightwing fighting above his pay grade in one story while playing sleuth in another. The first story is written by Tom Taylor, with art from Travis Moore. The second story is written by C.S. Pacat, with art by Eduardo Pansica and inks by Julio Ferreira. Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott handle colors and letters, respectively, for both. Last issue, you saw Nightwing get his brainpan cracked by the smiling shapeshifter sent by Neron.
Nightwing #102 lets us wake up with our hero trapped in a special form of confinement. Now the way he gets out is fast and innovative, though I doubt it’s sensible. However, the SFX used to do it are lovely. After the breakout, things move fast as the Titans and Barbara enter the scene to try and find poor Olivia, who is with the demonic, fake Nightwing. Overall this first story is a well-honed exercise in the effectiveness and camaraderie of the Titans. It also keeps the real Nightwing front and center as the hero and team leader. Taylor remembers whose name is on the title. Moore’s art is soft, welcoming. Nightwing looks cool and evil Nightwing’s smile is sinister and eerie. Kudos to Lucas on the color detonations for Cyborg’s and Starfire’s energy blasts and flight, plus the huge lettering SFX from Abbott.
The second act of ‘Night At The Circus’ finds young Jon Kent, Superman, and Nightwing investigating the aftermath of the circus bombing. But this continues to be Nightwing as a teacher, not just in schooling Jon, but in some beautifully rendered Pansica flashbacks of how Dick learned what he knows. So far, Pacat has aced the personas of Dick and Batman. Jon, like the Titans, is a background figure, shown to exemplify Dick’s capacity for passing down knowledge. This time he gets Jon to lean into the investigative journalism of his parents in order to solve the crime.
It’s an excellent story that’s evolving nicely, and Pansica, Ferreira, Lucas, and Abbott have really detailed the panels, brightened them, and brought in the fine details. I loved the old-school color dots on the Batman scenes. Little touches like that alter the dynamic and essentially give the reader two stories and aesthetics in one. Ferreira inks with a strong pen, lending some panels a grim tone that fits the mood. This is a great tale, and should Taylor ever leave Nightwing, Pacat would be a welcome new writer for the entire book.
This issue brings two solid pieces of work with smooth art, even colors, lovely effects, and clean lettering. Taylor is spending some time with the Titans, but fear not, they’ll get their own book in May. For now, we can enjoy Nightwing being a leader taking on a massive foe and enjoy the change of pace. The second story gives us a great look into why Nightwing isn’t just the best student to DC’s greatest heroes but also shows off how he excels as a teacher. Power plays and detective work, all in one shot.
I sing the praises of this run every month, but I have to. So far, this series has completely flipped the script on a character that has been dumped on for decades, especially since the New 52. Nightwing deserves these kinds of stories and attention.
Nightwing #102 is available wherever comic books are sold.
Nightwing #102
I sing the praises of this run every month, but I have to. So far, this series has completely flipped the script on a character that has been dumped on for decades, especially since the New 52. Nightwing deserves these kinds of stories and attention.