![REVIEW: ‘NieR: Automata Ver. 1.1a,’ Episode 6 - "[L]one wolf" 1 nier automata episode 6 — But Why Tho](https://butwhytho.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/nier-automata-episode-6-—-But-Why-Tho.jpg)
With 2B and 9S’s mission to support the local Android Resistance fighters continuing, they head out with Lilly to plant scanners around the ruined city that will track Machine Lifeform movements. When 2B and Lilly find themselves with some time alone, Lilly tells 2B a story from her past. One that explains why she always reacts so strangely to seeing 2B in NieR: Automata Episode 6.
With my interest in the Nier franchise extending beyond the games themselves, there were a couple of key ancillary stories I was hoping would make it into this show. The focus of NieR: Automata Episode 6 delivers one of these moments. Known as the Pearl Harbor Descent, this look back into Lilly’s past works twofold to both expand on the world’s history and how YoRHa functions as an organization, as well as lay the groundwork for an important upcoming character. While not necessary to understand 2B and 9s’s story, hence why it’s only mentioned in passing in the original game, this episode’s tale is nonetheless an emotional one well worth the time the show invests in it.
Jumping back an undetermined amount of time, this story sees the resistance forces, then lead by an android called Rose, meeting a squad of YoRHa units that have been tasked with taking out a server that is believed to be running all the machine lifeforms in the area. Knowing that the resistance’s current methods of battling the machines have resulted in a slow war of attrition they cannot win, Rose agrees to aid the squad in their extremely dangerous mission.
Given that NieR: Automata Episode 6‘s story is a one-shot event, the show does a good job of giving the viewer a reason to care about many of the characters that won’t be showing up again. There are several well-crafted moments that build up this alternate cast, allowing the viewer to feel for them as their mission rapidly spirals out of control.
One area where this story does help the core narrative for NieR: Automata for new fans is the introduction of the Logic Virus. This virus can be transmitted to androids, causing them to lose control and attack their allies. Its presence here familiarizes the audience with the concept so that when it reappears in the core narrative it will be something they won’t have to slow the moment down to explain.
This particular sequence stands out in this episode’s visual presentation. As the character infected with the virus loses control, A-1 Studios’ animation and camera work do a great job of capturing the chaos of the moment. The pain suffered not only by the infected unit but also by its comrades is skillfully delivered, making it the most impactful moment of the story.
Along with the direct threats this story explores, NieR: Automata Episode 6 continues to explore the nature of the androids and their existence. The question “Do we dream?” repeatedly comes up throughout the tale. And while an answer is always given when the question is asked, it feels like there is more to it than what is said. How the androids evolve and grow in this story begs the question of whether or not they are as limited in their functions as they often claim to be.
By bringing together background, new concepts, and emotional storytelling, NieR: Automata Episode 6 delivers another wonderful entry to the series. Its final moments hint at what is coming next and I cannot wait.
NieR: Automata Episode 6 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
NieR: Automata Ver. 1.1a Episode 6 - "[L]one wolf"
By bringing together background, new concepts, and emotional storytelling, NieR: Automata Episode 6 delivers another wonderful entry to the series. Its final moments hint at what is coming next and I cannot wait.