In the wake of the last episode’s startling revelation that Vash is a plant, Trigun Stampede Episode 8 dives back into our hero’s past to begin the journey of how Vash became the man he is now.
This episode focuses entirely on Vahs’s past. Opening this story, we get a glimpse at his and Knives’s first birthday via a home movie shot by Rem. While there is a lot of wonderful energy in the opening, we can already see the coldness that Knives projects. The scene does a great job of not going too far with Knives, allowing the viewer to connect the dots, while not making the youngster so hostile that Rem should’ve known something was up.
From here, Trigun Stampede Episode 8 jumps ahead to immediately after the fleet crashes. The Vash we see in these moments, as he struggles with the tremendous loss of life and his unwitting part in it, is a far cry from the individual we have come to know, but how one could become the other always feels natural. His despair is presented wonderfully throughout these harsh moments thanks to the animation’s delivery of the character’s body language and facial expressions. Vash’s eventual escape from this pit of loathing comes around full circle to last week’s big reveal. How he manages to find a purpose when none seems left creates a satisfying narrative loop back to his present. Seeing him take his first steps onto the road to be the eternally helping hand he is now is a wonderful feeling, though I can’t help but wonder if it’s a bit too soon.
While this episode lands excellently for me, my history with Vash goes back over 20 years. I can’t help but wonder if this series is diving into things like Knives and Vash’s origins so fast that some of the impact may be lost on viewers tuning in for the first time.
While the bulk of the focus in this story is squarely on Vash, Trigun Stampede Episode 8 does a great job of fleshing out the new supporting characters it introduces to this story. I love how the story manages to make the new cast members feel fully realized in a short period of time. Much of this is due to the obvious character types these new individuals present. By leaning into formulaic personalities, Trigun Stampede is able to take these characters on a natural-feeling progression in a short amount of time. Since we have all seen these styles of characters before, it can gloss over some elements with confidence the viewer will correctly fill in the blanks. It is an excellent example of how classic character archetypes can be utilized to propel a narrative quickly, so long as you do them well.
Ultimately, Trigun Stampede Episode 8 does a wonderful job of following up last week’s surprise with an emotional exploration of Vash, the full nature of the big reveal, and its importance to him as a character. With still more to see, I’m curious as to whether next week’s episode will continue in the past or jump back to the present, leaving the rest of the story for a later episode.
Trigun Stampede Episode 8 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
Trigun Stampede Episode 8 does a wonderful job of following up last week’s surprise with an emotional exploration of Vash, the full nature of the big reveal, and its importance to him as a character.