Urusei Yatsura Episode 2, is a sci-fi romantic comedy based on the original manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi. The series centers on girl-obsessed Ataru Moroboshi, and the alien princess Lum, who believes she is Ataru’s wife after he accidentally proposes to her.
Urusei Yatsura is produced by David Production and directed by Hideya Takahashi and Yasuhiro Kimura, with scripts written by Yūko Kakihara. Character designs are illustrated by Naoyuki Asano, Takahiro Komei serving as series director, and Masaru Yokoyama composing the music. The main voice cast consists of Summer Uesaka as Invader Lum, Hiroshi Kamiya as Ataru Moroboshi, Maaya Uchida as Shinobu, and Water Takagi as Cherry.
In Urusei Yatsura Episode 2, Ataru’s married life with Lum is off to a chaotic start. Lum follows Ataru wherever he goes, rarely giving him any alone time or peace when she is around. His luck worsens as Lum further drives a wedge between him and Shinobu. Meanwhile, Ataru seeks a supernatural solution to strip Lum of her powers to help improve his life. Just when Ataru thinks his luck is turning around when he bumps into a beautiful woman, the stranger tells him that he is cursed with unbelievable lousy luck. The woman tells him she can help get rid of his bad luck.
Urusei Yatsura Episode 2, does not disappoint following the series premiere and continues to deliver hilarious shenanigans. Urusei Episode 1 focused the comedy and hijinks around the sci-fi elements of the series. Such as the weird, otherworldly gadgets Lum would use to spy on Ataru. In Episode 2, the show switches things up and centers the comedy around supernatural and spiritual elements. For example, Ataru undergoes an exorcism to remove his bad luck but instead winds up attracting more demons. Mixing supernatural and sci-fi elements into the show is a great way to keep it fresh as it switches up the humor. It is another example of how anything can happen in this anime.
Ataru is very different from what someone usually expects from a male lead in a romantic comedy. He is a selfish pervert who blatantly flirts with nearly any girl that catches his eye. He is intentionally created not to be likable, and other characters do not have much empathy for him either. Very similar to how the audience must feel towards him too. Honestly one of the best things about this series is watching him suffer from the misfortunes his perverted antics primarily bring upon himself.
Some might hope that Ataru will grow and eventually mature into a more appropriate male lead who only has feelings for one girl. But it is too early to say if Ataru will ever learn his lesson and amend his skirt-chasing ways soon. Although it is hilarious watching his womanizing ways lead him into more trouble than he can handle.
But Ataru is not all bad. There might be some hope for him regarding his feelings for Lum. Although his relationship with Lum is heavily one-sided, it seems he cares for her a little bit. For example, when Lum expressed her sadness over not having her powers, Ataru seemed guilty for being the source of her despair. However, Ataru’s guilt seemed to disappear instantly once he realized Lum’s lack of powers could worsen his life.
This brief glimpse of responsibility means there could be some potential for their relationship to develop more. For example, when Lum expressed her sadness over not having her powers, Ataru seemed guilty for being the source of her despair. However, Ataru’s guilt seemed to disappear instantly once he realized Lum’s lack of powers could worsen his life.
Urusei Episode 2 concludes with a rather exciting post-credits scene. A new male character will be making a thrilling entrance into the series. His name is Shutaro Mendo. Little is known about him at this point besides the fact that he is handsome, wealthy, and powerful. I am interested to see if this character will present themselves as a love rival to Ataru for either Lum or Shinobu. Mando’s addition to the series will shake things up even further.
Overall, Urusei Yatsura Episode 2, keeps the hijinks and laughs coming following the series premiere. Ataru continues to be a very different type of romantic leading man. Watching hi, suffer from the misfortunes he mainly brings upon himself is a good time. There might be some potential for Ataru and Lum’s relationship to develop more eventually. Urusei Yatsura keeps things fresh with the hijinks. Whether through sci-fi gadgets or supernatural events, it is sure to be hilarious. And a post-credits scene of this episode will pique fans’ interest to tune in again next week.
Urusei Yatsura streams weekly on HiDIVE.
Urusei Yatsura Episode 2 — "Present for You/The Yellow Ribbon of Happiness"
Overall, Urusei Yatsura Episode 2, keeps the hijinks and laughs coming following the series premiere. Ataru continues to be a very different type of romantic leading man.