The Mystery of Ultraseven #3 is written by Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom, illustrated by Davide Tinto, colored by Espen Grudentjean, and lettered by VC’s Ariana Maher. It’s published by Marvel Comics. Having escaped the United Science Patrol, Shin Hayata now finds himself against Ultraseven. And even though he’s able to regain his Ultraman powers, he faces a dilemma. Does he destroy Ultraseven alongside the Kaiju and kill Ultraman’s brother in the process? More to the point, can he?
The events that have led up to Ultraseven’s rampage have slowly been expanded upon throughout the series, and now they come to a head. Higgins and Groom, true to their prior work, ground the fantastical in human fears and hopes. It turns out that Ultraseven’s past memories are colliding with his present, causing him to lash out. Shin correctly identifies that the massive being is suffering from trauma, which adds even more depth to the situation. You wouldn’t think that an alien who can grow to the size of a skyscraper and beat down kaiju would have mental health problems. And yet, here we are. Higgins and Groom also introduce a new level of conflict between Shin and Ultraman. The former is willing to put Ultraseven down while the latter is working to save his brother.
Tinto ups his game with this issue, as his artwork truly feels larger than life. The entire story is, in effect, a massive fight scene. Not only are Ultraman and Ultraseven battling each other, but they also have multiple kaiju to contend with. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Hayata’s allies are being pursued by the USP. If that sounds like a lot, it is. But Tinto manages to balance it all with nearly ridiculous ease, sprinkling in flashbacks and existential crises among the kaiju-busting action. And if you’re going to buy this issue for one reason, buy it for the splash pages. Especially the double-page spread that features Ultraman and Ultraseven ready to square off in an image that feels ripped right from the classic Ultraman show.
Grudentjean adds the finishing touches with his color work, making the Ultras’ red and white suits stand out in a dark raining background. That same color scheme permeates their words, which Maher adds to a cacophony of sound effects including the Kaijus’s growls and the static of USP radios. It all adds to the chaotic nature of the fight, and makes the reader feel like they’re part of the action. After all, it may look cool from a distance, but close up, you’d probably be freaked out by all of the giant monsters and men in skintight spandex.
The Mystery of Ultraseven #3 grounds its action in human emotion, resulting in a tokusatsu adventure that has weighty themes to go along with its earth-shattering fights. With only two issues left, the titular mystery is racing toward its conclusion—and so is the battle between both Ultras. Who survives? Well like any good mystery, we’ll have to wait and see.
The Mystery of Ultraseven #3 is available wherever comics are sold.
The Mystery of Ultraseven #3
The Mystery of Ultraseven #3 grounds its action in human emotion, resulting in a tokusatsu adventure that has weighty themes to go along with its earth-shattering fights.