Shine On! Bakumatsu Bad Boys is produced by Geno Studio. After being shown that their new Zero Type weapons can defeat even the American Black Ships, many in Japan are now prepared to fight against the government and foreign encroachment. But even as the powder keg is about to be lit, the Shinsengumi rush to attempt to thwart the Masked Demons’ final, nefarious plan in Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11.
With the last pieces falling into place, this episode does a solid job setting up the season’s big confrontation. The weight of personal and political matters comes across well, ensuring the viewer appreciates the breadth and scope of the oncoming crisis.
While the drama of the coming battle is built up well, some of the twists to the personal stories in Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 don’t land as well. This is particularly true with the twist Rashumaru’s story takes in this episode. I won’t spoil what exactly happens, but there is a loss of agency in the character that disappoints me. The moment of change here feels like a cheap workaround to allow him and Ichibanboshi’s struggle to continue into the final battle while allowing the viewer to be more sympathetic toward Rashumaru. I would prefer it if the two were just allowed to settle their differences in a far more natural and ultimately meaningful way.
While much of the episode is dedicated to building tension for the coming conflict, Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 does make some effort to keep things from getting too serious. This is primarily done through the playful interactions between Akira and Katsura. These moments do a good job of balancing out the episode’s tone. While never completely diffusing the situation’s urgency, it helps the narrative keep from taking itself too seriously.
My biggest problem with this episode comes from a significant reveal near the end. This revelation does little to surprise or enhance the series’ narrative. Instead, this moment in the series left me feeling little more than confused. An entirely new, previously unmentioned group and concept are interjected here in the eleventh hour, muddying up the narrative waters at the worst possible time. This scene is a classic reminder that an unpredictable narrative surprise does not always make a great plot twist.
The visuals, for their part, deliver the many elements of the episode skillfully. The tension and comedy are both treated well, and a surprise magical element is executed in a visually interesting way. My only qualm where the visuals are concerned comes from an inconsequential misrepresentation of how fire spreads. It’s not a big deal, but it is so glaringly obvious that it made my head hurt to witness it.
When all is said and done, Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 puts the final pieces in place before the big battle begins. While the series has had its ups and downs, I hope the story can come together to deliver a strong finale.
Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shine On! Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 - "Rush! To the Kyoto Showdown"
Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 11 puts the final pieces in place before the big battle begins. While the series has had its ups and downs, I hope the story can come together to deliver a strong finale.