“Who beats who in a fight?” If you’re a fan, you’ve had this argument more than once. People have debated who would win in clashes between their favorite superhero teams to their favorite kaiju. And given that Emerald City Comic Con took place this weekend, one podcast decided to put their own spin on it. Friday night was dedicated to a live taping of the Technically Drinking Podcast, hosted by creators Vince Vaughan and Eddie Perez. Their debate that night centered on who would win in a fight: Obi-Wan Kenobi or Iron Man?
Before the debate kicked off, Vaughan took a moment to thank the staff at Emerald City Comic-Con, calling them “the most chill” of any convention he’d attended. He and Perez also said that they would be giving away items throughout the recording, including a Marvel blind box and some comics. And to give newcomers a taste of what their podcast entailed, they gave a list of essential Technically Drinking episodes. The one that caught everyone’s attention was a debate about who’d win a three-way fight between Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter…and Deadpool.
With that, the debate kicked off by discussing each character’s strengths and weaknesses. Vaughan pointed out that while Iron Man’s intellect and inventions are formidable, the Armored Avenger suffers from major ego problems. Perez countered with the fact that for all of Obi-Wan’s skill in the Force, his compassion is a weakness. “And he’s not even the best Jedi!” Perez said, which led to him asking the audience where they’d rank the Jedi master. I picked two, as I felt that Obi-Wan was surpassed by Luke. Nearly everyone chimed in, pointing out feats from across both characters’ histories that could tip the balance. I won’t spoil who won, as you’ll have to listen to the full episode, but the decision was a close one.
What really makes the Technically Drinking podcast stand out is how interactive the hosts are. Before each audience member was called upon to give their answer, Vaughan would make a guess at what their favorite comic book character is. He guessed correctly twice, and the rest of the audience revealed some surprising picks – including Squirrel Girl. And although Vaughan and Perez were very passionate about their picks, they never talked down to any of the audience members and actually listened to the points that were being brought forth. I’ve seen so many geeky debates turned heated because one person was passionate to a fault about their chosen character; thankfully, this panel avoided those pitfalls. The passion with which hosts and audiences spoke was also wonderful. It served as a reminder that deep down, conventions are a place for fans to express their love for different forms of media and the characters that inhabit them.
In the end, I’m glad I attended the Technically Drinking panel. The hosts are excellent, the atmosphere is welcome as well as hilarious, and the discussion is well thought out. Hopefully, the podcast returns to ECCC next year because there are plenty of other pop culture battles that could spark a similar debate.
Episodes of the Technically Drinking Podcast are available to listen to at Apple Podcasts.