The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is a slice-of-life anime produced by Gaina and feel. With mundane activities like making new friends becoming the norm, it is easy to forget who Kirishima once was. But, as an old acquaintance fresh out of jail is looking to settle a grudge with Kirishima, the former demon might let who he was slip out in The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7.
This week’s story opens up with Kirishima being confronted by a previously revealed adversary. While it’s not the mystery man that has closed out numerous episodes, it is someone that seems to have a significant beef with Kirishima. This would be opponent makes the poor choice of confronting Kirishima while he is escorting Yaeka home, which leads to some close calls for Kirishima.
This opening moment in The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 highlights the glaring contradiction in its lead character that has been there from the start. Only now, having almost revealed the demon side of his personality in front of the Little Lady, Kirishima is as aware of it as the rest of us. How this awareness will shape the character as the story develops remains to be seen, but I hope it yields some tangible effects.
The back half of this episode sees Sugihara attend a business meeting on behalf of the family. This scene delivers two big things. It gives the show an opportunity to delve into how Sugiraha came to join the family and also reveals another side to the character that fans haven’t seen before.
Whenever things have gotten rough in the past, Sugihara’s biggest role has been to reign Kirishima in before he does irreparable harm to someone. This time, however, Sugihara is left to face a hostile situation on his own and The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 reveals him to be more than the goofball the series has largely presented him as.
While it makes sense for a yakuza member to be able to handle a situation the way Sugihara does in this episode, it feels wrong seeing the character this way. The show has crafted such a fixed personality for the sidekick character that Sugihara is that this sudden change in persona feels unbelievable.
One final note about this week’s plot. We once again see an episode closing with the aforementioned mystery man continuing his pursuit of Kirishima and company. I really hope this guy ends up being the centerpiece of something truly entertaining. Anything less will feel like such a disappointment, given how many times the show has teased him.
The visuals in this episode continue to deliver the brand of design and visual humor the series has previously established. There are several flashbacks in this episode, depicting the characters as they were many years ago. The visuals do a good job of balancing how it de-ages the characters while still making sure everyone is completely recognizable.
When all is said and done, The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 delivers a largely enjoyable story. While its handling of Sugihara felt a bit off, it still has plenty to enjoy in its narrative.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 delivers a largely enjoyable story. While its handling of Sugihara felt a bit off, it still has plenty to enjoy in its narrative.