Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba.With their recent adventures behind them, an athletic festival is upon them, and the school prepares for another competition. But when Yuu and his friends are tasked with running a relay race, Hachimitsu finds herself out of her element as her lethargic nature doesn’t lend itself to sporting events. But perhaps she’ll discover something to motivate her in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10.
Hachimitsu has been chilling quietly in the background for many of the series’ adventures. Always present but never the star, Hachimitsu presents a common element of many friendship circles out there. She is kind, funny, and always in her friends’ corner. But due to the low energy personality she has, it is easy for her to get lost among more assertive characters like Shikimori and Inuzuka.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10 turns its focus almost exclusively to Hachimitsu, as we see the unfolding athletic festival from her point of view. We get to understand a bit more about why she is who she is and what a circle of friends can truly mean to someone.
Each of the other members of the group gets their moment to shine alongside Hachimitsu throughout the episode. This shift in perspective grants the viewer a whole new appreciation of the dynamic of the show’s focal group of friends. Through these interactions, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10 highlights how much the encouragement and support of one’s friends can mean to someone. Even in something that is largely inconsequential, knowing what winning means to someone like Shikimori, Hachimitsu finds herself with a new sense of motivation towards her momentary goal.
While I love what the episode does with its narrative, I wish it could’ve found a different style of situation to utilize. It feels like half of the show’s stories have been focused on school festivals and sports competitions of one kind or another. The repeated use of the concept is starting to wear thin. This story still manages to be heartwarming and fun, but it is despite its setting, rather than being helped by it.
The visual presentation does a great job of highlighting all the little things throughout the episode that come to impact Hachimitsu. Every smile, brush of her hair, or energetic cheer is granted a little extra touch that brings the impact of these easily overlooked moments into focus. Combine these touching moments with the show’s excellent visual humor and you find yourself with a top-notch visual presentation that manages to continue to strengthen the show’s already strong visual design.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10 delivers a moving narrative that manages to create something truly touching from an extremely mundane moment. It overcomes the few minor weaknesses it has to deliver a stand-out story that focuses on the often overlooked member of the show’s friend circle.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 10
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode10 delivers a moving narrative that manages to create something truly touching from an extremely mundane moment. It overcomes the few minor weaknesses it has to deliver a stand-out story that focuses on the often overlooked member of the show’s friend circle.