Hecate’s Will #3 is published by Black Mask Studios and is written and illustrated by Iolanda Zanfardino. With Rebecca is still trying to figure out who she is, a new year comes to the city. But when she takes in a New Year’s Eve concert by one of the more frustrating people in her life, things begin to change even more for the already struggling and confused woman. But hey, some changes are allowed to be good.
While it often pains many of us, myself included, humans are social creatures. To varying degrees and intensities, we all need people in our lives. Sometimes in big ways, or just to listen to and learn about. They can provide support, or sometimes just a simple distraction from those things that threaten to consume our attention. We can even gain some measure of self-worth when we look back and see that we helped another through a setback or life struggle. And while these opportunities don’t always show up at times we’d like them to, much like the people that create them, the results from them can be unpredictable. As a famous writer once wrote, “The unexpected guest often proves the best company.”
Hecate’s Will #3 sees Rebecca’s journey of self-discovery receive just such an unexpected guest. This unlooked-for moment in her life reminds her that other people around her live lives and are worth engaging with. From simply listening to asking questions, Rebecca opens up a bit more to those at the play. She soon realizes that these people are more than she initially gave them credit for. Some are even downright interesting.
But all this is a side story next to Rebecca’s interactions with the play’s star singer Naomi. Introduced previously as a bit of an antagonist for Rebecca, the two’s interactions take some hard left turns through this issue as the snide comments and defensive jabs fall away when one discovers the other in a moment of vulnerability. Seeing another human being struggle with many of the questions she has been facing creates a powerful moment for Rebecca. While we never want others to suffer, there is comfort in knowing we are not alone.
The art in Hecate’s Will #3 continues to deliver a wonderfully emotional presentation that also manages to bring the right touch of comedy to its cast. The warm moments throughout the book shine just a bit brighter than I would expect, thanks to Zanfardino’s ability to push expression far enough to be impactful while never crossing the line into outright comedic art that would break the realism of the tale. The placement of the letters both within the art and how it guides readers through conversations are executed well. My favorite moment where the lettering comes in is when some empty dialogue bubbles are used to some great effect.
When all is said and done, Hecate’s Will #3 continues to flesh out and build its main protagonist wonderfully. With the unexpected directions this issue went, I find myself even more excited for the next installment as I now have the quality of Zanfardino’s talents to look forward to. The writing now also has me wondering if there are more surprises in store for Rebecca as well.
Hecate’s Will #3 is available now.
Hecate’s Will #3
Hecate’s Will #3 continues to flesh out and build its main protagonist wonderfully. With the unexpected directions this issue went, I find myself even more excited for the next installment as I now have the quality of Zanfardino’s talents to look forward to.