Aquaman: The Becoming #3 is written by Brandon Thomas, penciled by Scott Koblish, inked by Wade von Grawbadger, colored by Adriano Lucas and Alex Guimaraes, and lettered by Andworld Design. It is published by DC Comics. Following the first two issues, Jackson Hyde/Aqualad has been accused of terrorist attacks against Atlantis and is on the run. As Jackson embarks on a mad dash across the United States, he comes face to face with the mysterious Deluge, who turns out to have a shocking connection to the hero!
This issue marks the halfway point of the series, with the creative team delivering some huge plot points along with breakneck action. Koblish takes over art duties from Diego Orlotuegi, delivering an intensely kinetic art style that leaps across various locations in the DC Universe. Among these locations is Happy Harbor, the headquarters of Young Justice, alongside the former headquarters of the Teen Titans and Justice League Detroit. The fight sequences are also full of energy; one page features Deluge delivering a series of crippling blows to Jackson, with the following page depicting Jackson’s furious counterattack. Readers will actually feel like the young hero is fighting for his life.
What REALLY makes the artwork pop is the color art by Lucas and Guimares. Red, blue and yellow are the most prominent colors. Red and blue make up the majority of Aqualad’s suit, and Deluge is shown to wear a golden suit of Atlantean armor that lets her tower over her opponents. This extends to the environment surrounding the characters; Atlantis is shrouded in a greenish-blue hue that mirrors the ocean waters, and whenever Jackson teleports from place to place he is surrounded by a light blue haze. Even Andworld’s captions have different colors; whenever Jackson is speaking, they turn blue. Whenever Mera speaks, they turn green. And the sounds of fists hitting armor and flesh resound with loud, yellow letters.
Storywise, Thomas continues to throw obstacle after obstacle in Aqualad’s way. The forces of Atlantis are hot on his trail, meaning he has to teleport rapidly from location to location. Not only does this put a strain on Jackson’s body, but it means he can’t call the Teen Titans or Justice League for help. He’s truly on his own, and Thomas spends the first half of the issue exploring how that weighs on him mentally as well as physically. The big revelation surrounding Deluge is a bit predictable, but it definitely makes for an intriguing addition to Jackson’s history. Besides, it would get boring if he fought Black Manta all the time (not to mention the fact that that would invite comparisons to a certain popular science-fiction franchise.)
Aquaman: The Becoming #3 marks the halfway point of the series, finally revealing the mysterious villain Deluge and their connection to Aqualad. With three issues left, Jackson Hyde’s path to becoming Aquaman just hit a major roadblock and has set the stage for an unexpected family reunion.
Aquaman: The Becoming #3 is available wherever comics are sold.
Aquaman: The Becoming #3
Aquaman: The Becoming #3 marks the halfway point of the series, finally revealing the mysterious villain Deluge and their connection to Aqualad. With three issues left, Jackson Hyde’s path to becoming Aquaman just hit a major roadblock and has set the stage for an unexpected family reunion.