Captain Marvel #30 is published by Marvel Comics, written by Kelly Thompson and Jamie McKelvie, with art by Jacopo Camagni and Jamie McKelvie, colors by Espen Grundetjern, and letters by Clayton Cowles. Having survived her undersea test, Carol Danvers returns to Enchantress to learn whether or not she’s been set up. When Carol struggles to find her reason to keep fighting, she turns to her biggest fan to help remind her why she does what she does.
Carol’s journey into the realm of magic has been fraught with hard decisions that brought no clear answers. From breaking up with Warmachine to enlisting Enchantress’s help to kill her son, Carol has made some less than certain choices. So it only stands to reason that Captain Marvel #30 would keep our hero guessing about what the right thing to do was.
I’m keeping this review extremely vague as saying pretty much anything about it would be a spoiler. From the reason Enchantress chose that particular test for Carol’s first magical trial to the hinted repercussions that her actions may bear for her, every plot beat feels like something I can’t talk about. What I can tell you is that all the elements that have filled the first 29 issues of this series make a return in Captain Marvel #30’s main story.
Thompson brings a bit of everything to this story arc’s finale. A bit of charm, a bit of emotion, and some well-timed punching all make this book not just a great capper for its story but also a sort of summarization of the series’ style and many narrative strengths.
Just as with the writing, artist Camagni delivers a similar performance that comprehensively brings together everything that the series has delivered visually throughout its run. It captures Carol’s struggles both emotionally and physically in a way that allows Carol to show off her strength while never losing the aspects of her that are still simply human. And she goes through it all in one of the series’ several sweet alternate costumes.
The art in Captain Marvel #30′s main story is further improved by Grundetjern’s excellent colors. The colors throughout the story are eye-catching, and this goes double for the various energy effects that appear during the book’s more exciting moments.
After the wrap up of her magic-infused journey, writer/artist McKelvie takes Carol to Jersey to see if Kamala Khan can help her find her motivation to pull on her super suit each morning to save a world that seems like it will simply fall into peril again before the dust has time to settle.
McKelvie delivers a down-to-earth story here that brings all the warm and fuzzy feelings one could ask for. Kamala’s talk with Carol is masterfully delivered as the two take a simple walk and talk around Jersey City. McKelvie combines the writing with an equally good artistic presentation that further reinforces the simple positivity and warmth of the narrative.
Both tales are delivered clearly thanks to another skillful lettering performance on the part of Cowles. The lettering throughout is always placed just where it needs to be to deliver the story without interfering with the art.
Taken all together, Captain Marvel #30 delivers a pair of stories that wrap up the current storyline while also giving Carol a bit of a push so she can face whatever life throws at her next.
Captain Marvel #30 is available July 21st wherever comics are sold.
Captain Marvel #30
Captain Marvel #30 delivers a pair of stories that wrap up the current storyline while also giving Carol a bit of a push so she can face whatever life throws at her next.