My Hero Academia is a superhero-shounen anime produced by studio BONES. Having received Hawks coded message in the last episode, Endeavor grapples with its implications for the superhero society. But there isn’t much time to ponder, as the villains are on the move, and young heroes need training in My Hero Academia Episode 103.
My Hero Academia has pulled no punches where Endeavor is concerned. His obsession with surpassing All-Might and what that drive has cost his family is a well-explored theme of the show going all the way back to the Sports Festival arc. And while the hurt that is done to Endeavor’s family can never be justified, My Hero Academia Episode 103 gets to put Endeavor’s unyielding training to good use as we see how he may be the best person to drive his new charges to the heights they must reach in the little time they may have left.
With each of his new charges facing their own hurdles to becoming full-fledged heroes, Endeavor applies the hard lessons he drilled himself through to see the young heroes grow into what their world will need them to be. While his method of teaching is striking in its differences compared to the jovial All-Might, or even the sterner but more level-headed Eraserhead, the impact that Endeavor’s intensity and sternness have on the trio is obvious. This seems particularly true for Bakugo.
While Bakugo’s seriousness toward being a hero has long been established, those around the young man have always struggled with his intensity. Whether discouraging or simply ignoring it, no one ever seems to know quite what to do with Bakugo’s fervor. Rather than take either of these routes, we see Endeavor challenge Bakugo’s intensity, allowing the young man to compare his fire to the number one hero’s.
Along with the core training portion of My Hero Academia Episode 103, we also are given another look at what Hawks is up to as he continues his investigation of the villains and their ongoing plans. While I enjoyed these moments as a whole, I am starting to struggle with Hawks from the perspective of his powers. As even more functions of his feathers are revealed in this episode, the nature of his powers seems to make less and less sense.
Most quirks that My Hero Academia has introduced keep to a theme that works for the nature of the power. While some of the tricks Hawks has performed with his feather felt a little odd, they weren’t narrative-breaking for me. My Hero Academia Episode 103, however, introduces an ability of Hawks’ that makes no sense. It feels like the sort of power a writer gives a character to simply facilitate the plot. Given how well this show has avoided such moments in the past, it was disappointing to see it here.
The visual presentation for this episode delivers all the lowkey intensity of its narrative well. The moments where Endeavor is training the boys are delivered through perfect angels and close-ups, making every lesson land with all the impact it can.
My Hero Academia Episode 103 continues the show’s tradition of delivering impactful narratives, that center on its rich fully developed cast of characters. The viewer is given yet another angle to consider the complex character of Endeavor from, as well as further growing the show’s starring trio of Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto.
My Hero Academia Episode 103 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 103
My Hero Academia Episode 103 continues the show’s tradition of delivering impactful narratives, that center on its rich fully developed cast of characters. The viewer is given yet another angle to consider the complex character of Endeavor from, as well as further growing the show’s starring trio of Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto.