To Your Eternity is a shonen fantasy anime produced by Brian’s Base. With Fushi and Pioran settling in at the shop, things seem to be going smoothly. That is until Booze Man reveals something to Gugu that sends the youth running from the shop. But as he goes out to try to find work and survive outside the shop, he quickly learns the world can be extremely cruel to anyone different in To Your Eternity Episode 8.
This week’s episode opens with Rean returning to the shop again. Though instead of looking for a purchase, this time, she’s looking for work and lodging. Why exactly she wishes to work at the shop when she seems to want for nothing isn’t revealed, but Booze Man decides it couldn’t hurt to have her around.
Gugu, still being sweat on Rean, speaks to Booze Man about something that might help Rean’s arm heal. Booze Man has a recommendation. But the revelation shocks Gugu. It turns out Booze Man did something to Gugu when he was helping him recover from his accident. This sudden shock sends the young boy off on his own as he doesn’t wish to be near Booze Man anymore.
Once he has left the shop, Gugu decides he needs to find work so he can undo what Booze Man did to him. But he quickly realizes how cruel the world can be. All kinds of hurtful things are said about the young boy. And while there are some moments of kindness shown to the hurting youth, the cruelty is far more plentiful. The cold cruelty so many show Gugu is delivered well throughout To Your Eternity Episode 8.
The show’s unwillingness to shy away from how painful the world can be is on full display here. The many hurtful reactions and snickering comments quickly pile up on poor Gugu’s mind. Even when he summons the strength to make a big step in accepting himself, the world quickly comes along to hurt him for it. That people can so callously mistreat someone for looking different is a hard thing to watch.
With the episode’s focus on Gugu and how it builds sympathy for the character, one scene stands out, as it serves to make the boy feel anything but sympathetic. Before he leaves the shop, he has a moment with Fushi where he seeks to explore the immortal’s powers. This involves coldly cutting and even burning Fushi to see what the result is. While he makes it a point not to do any real harm when Fushi protests, Gugu callously dismisses his complaints. This moment really hurts Gugu’s character and creates friction between him and Fushi that, as the episode draws to its close, makes a scene between the two feel a bit disingenuous.
While Gugu searches for a way to make it on his own, To Your Eternity Episode 8 also sees Fushi struggle to make up for the young man’s absence around the shop. However, Fushi soon realizes there is a lot he doesn’t know, and no one still at the shop seems interested in teaching him. Fushi’s struggles with the simple tasks around the shop provide a soft break from the heavier story involving Gugu while not unduly hurting the emotional impact of the episode.
The visual presentation in To Your Eternity Episode 8 delivers the heavy emotions and the light humor skillfully. The animation is done smoothly, and the look of the world continues to be delivered in a consistent and well-executed manner.
When all is said and done, To Your Eternity Episode 8 brings a solid story to the series continuing narrative. While exactly how I’m supposed to feel about certain characters in some moments feels a little messy, overall, it delivers an emotional story that leaves the viewer feeling for its characters.
To Your Eternity Episode 8 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Episode 8
When all is said and done, To Your Eternity Episode 8 brings a solid story to the series continuing narrative. While exactly how I’m supposed to feel about certain characters in some moments feels a little messy, overall, it delivers an emotional story that leaves the viewer feeling for its characters.