Season 2 of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series continues with its 6th episode, “Yes And.” In last week’s episode, Seb (Joe Serafini) and Gina (Sofia Wylie) rally their friends to throw Carlos (Frankie A. Rodriguez) the quinceañero party that he’s always dreamed of since he was a kid. Meanwhile, Ricky (Joshua Bassett) oversteps when asking Gina for advice about trying to get Nini (Olivia Rodrigo) a spot in the spring musical. Nini tries to look on the bright side of things since she isn’t in the musical but is ultimately given a role after Miss Jenn (Kate Reinders) sees a shocking video from their competition.
In “Yes And,” the Wildcats attend Miss Jenn’s impromptu improv intensive after another video from North High shakes up their confidence. Ricky is trying to deal with his dad’s new relationship developing while also still thinking about his mom. This causes him to begin to lash out at those around him, including Nini and Miss Jenn. Nini, caught with a case of writer’s block, tries to find inspiration for an original song from Kourtney’s (Dara Renee) developing feelings for one of her coworkers. Meanwhile, Gina is still dealing with her feelings for Ricky and trying to contact her mom about moving with her to get away from everything.
It’s starting to get difficult to root for anything that Ricky does, especially after having watched “Yes And.” It’s understandable that he would have conflicting feelings about Miss Jenn and his dad dating. These conflicting feelings don’t just come from their relationship blossoming but also anger at his mother. However, his acting out is just so out of character. It becomes rather annoying to watch him not try and process this rather than lashing out, especially to those who aren’t really at fault. I understand that this is a young-adult show, but this attitude change for Ricky just doesn’t suit him. One can only hope this doesn’t continue in future episodes of this season.
Gina’s arc continues with “And Yes,” giving her feelings a much deeper focus. The fact that the only solution she thought of to deal with the way she’s feeling was to move away shows just how much pain she’s dealing with. Giving up the incredible bonds and friendships that Gina has formed along the way doesn’t seem to be enough of a motivation to stay. She presents such a tough exterior but is also not immune to the heartbreak that everyone experiences. However, it is comforting that she isn’t completely alone. Ashlyn (Julia Lester) once again proves why she’s the friend that Gina needs to get through times like this. Their friendship is something that should definitely be developed more as the series progresses.
“Yes And” sees the return of Nini back to East High and officially having a part in the spring musical. Though her role is rather new and unconventional, it’s fantastic to see her getting to participate with her friends. This new role also has the possibility to be a secret weapon to use against North High to get the upper hand. The musical also would not have felt the same without having Nini’s talent taking part in it. It once crossed my mind that Nini would somehow end up taking the role of Belle over Ashlyn, but I’m glad they found a perfect role for Nini. It would’ve been incredibly disappointing had this actually happened.
Ultimately, “Yes And” continues to add to what has already been a phenomenal season with the focus on Gina and finding a role for Nini. It did, however, teeter at times with Ricky’s rather uncharacteristic unfair treatment towards others because of his dad’s new developing relationship. Hopefully, nothing like that happens with his character, or if it does, it should definitely be written better or developed over a few episodes.
HSMTMTS Season 2 is streaming now on Disney+ with new episodes airing Fridays.
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Season 2 Episode 6 - "Yes And"
Ultimately, “Yes And” continues to add to what has already been a phenomenal season with the focus on Gina and finding a role for Nini. It did, however, teeter at times with Ricky’s rather uncharacteristic unfair treatment towards others because of his dad’s new developing relationship. Hopefully, nothing like that happens with his character, or if it does, it should definitely be written better or developed over a few episodes.