Strange Academy #10 is published by Marvel Comics, written by Skottie Young, art by Humberto Ramos, with colors by Edgar Delgado, and letters by Clayton Cowles. With parents’ day firmly in the rearview mirror, the students of Strange Academy are off on their first field trip. The location: Asgard. While there is a general buzz of excitement in the air, there is also some discomfort among the students. What could be waiting that could cause such trepidation?
One of the hallmarks of this book has been its remarkable cast. As the book continues forward through its issues, writer Young continues to take the time to not only build up central characters like Emily and Doyle but also take the time to give the side characters their moments too. This rotation of focus helps to both keep the book’s character dynamics feeling fresh as well allowing central themes a bit more time to play out. I love how much care and work goes into this entire cast. It makes every moment bigger when you care about everyone and not just a couple of central people.
And since Strange Academy #10’s destination is Asgard, it only makes sense that we would learn a bit more about Alvi and Iric since Asgard is their home after all. The things learned about the two brothers in this issue certainly go a long way in explaining their personalities and behavior.
While this issue does give some time to the wider cast of Strange Academy, it also makes time for the series signature duo. With everything being so busy since Emily brought Doyle back to life with a “kiss,” it seems the two haven’t had a chance to hash out exactly where they are with each other. And nothing says intimate chat like an Asgardian mead hall.
While Young’s writing delivers laughs, teen angst, and a fair helping of heartfelt moments, Strange Academy #10 would only be half of what it is without the gorgeous artwork that builds upon Young’s terrific script. Ramos’s art takes everything the realm eternal has to offer and blends it perfectly with the signature look that I’ve come to love from this series.
Ramos’s wonderful lines are further brought to life through the colorwork of Delgado. All the bright, high-energy personalities throughout this story are made even greater through Delgado’s vibrant colors. And near the end of this book, thanks to the perfect fusion of Ramos’s lines and Delgado’s perfect lighting and colors, we are graced with what may be the most perfect comic panel I have ever had the privilege to see. There is nothing that could be changed to improve the moment captured there.
Last but not least, we have Cowles delivering another stellar performance on letters. Cowles leans into the many varied personalities throughout this book, loading the dialogue with unique fonts and bold lettering for the more dramatic moments. It does a stellar job of showing just how much lettering can enhance the personality of a book.
When all is said and done, Strange Academy #10 does a flawless job delivering this school field trip to another realm. If you have enjoyed the hijinks, adventures, and heart of the student body of Strange Academy, there is no way you will not love every page of this book.
Strange Academy #10 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Strange Academy #10
Strange Academy #10 does a flawless job delivering this school field trip to another realm. If you have enjoyed the hijinks, adventures, and heart of the student body of Strange Academy, there is no way you will not love every page of this book.