Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7, which is a sequel series to Fairy Tail published by Kodansha Comics, follows the main group of the Fairy Tail wizard guild as they continue to take on the infamous 100 Years Quest. The series is written and created by Hiro Mashima, illustrated by Atsuo Ueda, and translated by Kevin Steinbach. The sequel series follows Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla as they are asked to seal away the Five Dragon Gods. They’re a group of dragons with immense power that threatens the entire world. The guild also recruits a new member, Touka, who is possessed by a witch that aims to take the dragons’ power for her own purposes. This is a quest that no other wizard has ever been able to complete since it was first offered 100 years ago.
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7 concludes the epic battle between Aldoron and the entire Fairy Tail guild, who are now free from the White Mage’s spell. However, going up against the God Seeds is no easy feat. To make matters worse, most of the Fairy Tail wizards are already battered and weary because of their fights with the Diabolos wizards and being under the Mage’s spell. Thus, the Fairy Tail guild is in for the fight of their lives, a battle that’s possibly more ferocious than when they went up against Acnalogia. Meanwhile, Natsu faces off against Aldoron, putting his skills as a dragon slayer to the test.
One of the main things that fans of the original series will notice is that Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest has been tying up loose ends between characters and their relationships with one another. 100 Years Quest Volume 7 continues to do this but at a rather fast pace. Understandably, the series would probably want to move on to new stories, but tidying up everything in just one volume makes these resolutions lack emotion. It also makes it feel as if these solutions were straightforward.
This is most evident in the interactions between Juvia and Grey, as well as Jellal and Erza. Those separate relationships were a major staple in the original series, and to see them reach a definite conclusion in just one issue is disappointing. However, there’s also a case for the fact that there really wasn’t anything else that could be done to further the “will they/won’t they” dynamic any longer.
The art style in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7 blends well not just with the events that are taking place but with the series as a whole. With Ueda taking over as illustrator, it’s a given that both series look different and that Volume 7 takes on a unique feel while reading it.
With this being a sequel series with many of the main elements already set up because of its predecessor, the art can shine more in various ways. The fight scenes in Volume 7 were excellently done. Each panel flowed really well. The new wardrobe designs whenever certain characters transform were fantastic, especially Lucy’s. The fight between Natsu and Aldoron, particularly the final moments, will surely leave readers wanting more.
Even though Fairy Tail has been over for a few years now, Natsu’s character continues to undergo such great character development. During Natsu’s battle with Aldoron in 100 Years Quest Volume 7, Aldoron questions Natsu about whether he knows the true effects of his own power. Having read the original series, there hasn’t really been a time where Natsu has gotten a question like that. He has been underestimated several times, but no one has ever questioned the potential of his power. It makes it seem as if Aldoron is afraid of just how strong Natsu is. This could also make readers wonder how much more will Natsu grow, not just in power but also as a person. It creates the potential for his character to be taken in numerous directions, especially for the inevitable fight against his step-brother, Ignia.
Ultimately, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7 is a great conclusion to the fight against Aldoron since it offers great character growth for Natsu and fantastic artwork. However, it could have done more regarding how the development of some of the relationships between characters was so simplistic. With another Dragon God fight done, it will be interesting to see where the story goes from here.
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7 is available now wherever books are sold.
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Volume 7 is a great conclusion to the fight against Aldoron since it offers great character growth for Natsu and fantastic artwork. However, it could have done more regarding how the development of some of the relationships between characters was so simplistic. With another Dragon God fight done, it will be interesting to see where the story goes from here.