The Last Kids on Earth: Happy Apocalypse to You, one of Netflix’s newest animated original interactive shorts, premiered last week. The short, which takes place within the world of Netflix original show The Last Kids on Earth, sees the return of the main characters as they try to throw June (Montse Hernandez) an unforgettable birthday party. The idea comes from Jack (Nick Wolfhard), who still has a crush on June. Dirk (Charles Demers) and Quint (Garland Whitt) help try to make June’s birthday party the best it could be. However, the gang will be forced to face off against many foes while trying to get all the materials ready for the big party. As their adventure begins, the viewers will be able to make major decisions that will have major effects on the paths the gang takes.
Having never tried any other interactive special, it was hard to predict what Happy Apocalypse to You would offer. I had no idea that Netflix did interactive specials, which was a nice surprise. Fans of the original show will enjoy this as they’re able to feel like they are a part of the group. There’s no doubt that this interactive special will have fans of the series even more eager for season 4, which will debut later this year. This interactive special will also please fans of the “choose your own adventure” genre, as it offers multiple choices to make throughout the short. It even allows viewers to go back and change their choices depending on what the outcome is. There is also an option to start from the beginning and see where different choices could have taken viewers.
One of the major upsides to Happy Apocalypse to You is the way that the short welcomes back fans of the original series while also making way for viewers that may have never seen the series before. The beginning of the short offers basic information about the series while also serving as a recap for what has happened up to that point in the story. Nothing important to the plot or the characters is revealed, which will make new viewers invested in the rest of the story. Several monsters and returning characters also appear, which will no doubt please fans of the original series. Most importantly, there is enough world-building and explanation for the state of the world that the series takes place in to get people invested in the story. I will certainly be checking out the show after having watched the interactive special.
At the heart of Happy Apocalypse to You, new and old fans see the importance of teamwork and the relationship that all members of the gang have with one another. For instance, there are choices that viewers can make throughout the short that will have the main characters split up. The outcomes are never good for these choices and usually result in the short ending. While that seems to be more on the nose in regards to the importance of teamwork, there are also choices that viewers can make which call for all of them to work together to save a member of the group. There’s also the fact that Jack, Quint, and Dirk are willing to venture out with zombies and monsters all around them in order to give June an amazing birthday party. That sort of bond isn’t formed overnight, and it’s certainly not one that comes out of nowhere. This will certainly encourage new viewers to watch the original series.
Ultimately, the Happy Apocalypse to You interactive special offers an enjoyable time for new and old fans of The Last Kids on Earth series. The interactive aspect of this short will please fans of the original series while also capturing the attention of viewers that are fans of the “choose your own adventure” genre. There are also aspects of the short that welcome new fans while also not completely letting down fans of the original series. Lastly, the friendship dynamic between the main characters is strong and most of it is shown through the premise of the short and through the choices that viewers can make. After seeing how great a short like this can be, one can only hope that Netflix continues to make interactive specials for its other animated shows.
The Last Kids on Earth: Happy Apocalypse to You is streaming now on Netflix.
The Last Kids on Earth: Happy Apocalypse to You
Ultimately, the Happy Apocalypse to You interactive special offers an enjoyable time for new and old fans of The Last Kids on Earth series. The interactive aspect of this short will please fans of the original series while also capturing the attention of viewers that are fans of the “choose your own adventure” genre.