My Hero Academia is a superhero-shounen anime produced by Bones. With the battle between Class A and Class B underway, it’s time to see how far the students have come since they first clashed during the Sports Festival. Some of the students from both classes have come up with some surprises to give their team an edge in My Hero Academia Episode 92.
With none of the primary characters of the show taking part in the first team battle of the competition, this episode gets to let some of the secondary characters shine. While most of them get to have their moment in the sun, the true scene-stealer here is someone I feel is often overlooked throughout the show. I speak of the fabulous amphibian hero Froppy!
Throughout My Hero Academia, Froppy consistently proves her exceptional quality as a hero by taking a collection of powers many would consider sub-par at best and finding ways to implement them brilliantly. This, coupled with her sharp wits and cool head, has allowed her to be a great asset to her friends. Many people completely overlook the fact that without her Deku would’ve died when Eri’s power ran wild on him last season.
In My Hero Academia Episode 92 Froppy once again shows how she’s grown by not only utilizing her powers creatively but by also stepping up to coordinate her team’s actions. How the show depicts Froppy’s personality in these moments is a wonderful bit of character delivery. Froppy makes suggestions, but she never fully takes command. I like this because it wouldn’t feel right if Class 1-A’s most reserved member suddenly started barking orders.
This inability to step into a command role is something a lot of shows would ignore in an attempt to strengthen Froppy as a character. As someone who, no matter how sure I am that my idea is a good one, will timidly raise my hand to make a suggestion, it is nice to see a character that reflects this trait. I hope the series continues to allow Froppy to grow without abandoning this core characteristic of her’s.
With all of My Hero Academia Episode 92 focused on the first battle of the inter-class competition, the animators at Bones get plenty of opportunities to showcase the many unique powers and skills the student of UA High possesses. Surprising no one, they never let an opportunity pass them by. Whether it’s an unstoppable torrent of vines, the crackle of electricity, or the awesome visualization of super heightened smell, the art team does a phenomenal job of delivering this episode’s action.
Blended in perfectly with the show’s great action moments are a couple of great humor moments as well. These are kids after all. The show’s ability to let them have fun when not in life or death peril is always welcome.
When all is said and done, My Hero Academia Episode 92 delivers a fun, fast-paced opening round to the competition between the two hero course classes. The creativity utilized throughout this episode has me eagerly awaiting next week’s episode.
My Hero Academia Episode 92 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 92
When all is said and done, My Hero Academia Episode 92 delivers a fun, fast-paced opening round to the competition between the two hero course classes. The creativity utilized throughout this episode has me eagerly awaiting next week’s episode.