Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki is a slice of life anime produced by Project No. 9. Impressed by Tomozaki’s assertiveness last episode, Mizusawa invites him to a group hang out with himself, Aoi, and someone of Tomozaki’s choosing. Seeing this as another great opportunity for Tomozaki to gain some experience, Aoi sets some goals for Tomozaki’s afternoon out. But the first thing he needs to figure out in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5: Who is he going to ask out?
Coming into this episode, I had some high hopes for where this story would lead. With the last episode ending with our two main characters heading to a movie, my desire to see this episode follow up with the duo having a great time at the movies and possibly laying the groundwork for a deepening relationship, we’re dashed against the rocks. Instead of a nice date, this episode opens with Aoi lecturing Tomozaki on all the ways he failed to behave properly during their movie and the follow-up coffee trip. I suppose, even if that’s where the narrative eventually goes, it’s much too soon for it to begin.
While Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 doesn’t tell the story I was hoping for, it nonetheless delivers an entertaining narrative, even if it doesn’t quite reach the heights of its predecessors. This lack of accomplishment isn’t due to any particular failure on the part of the story, just that its aims are not as lofty as what has come before. From Tomozaki’s inviting Izumi to join them on their excursion to the pitfalls of shopping and the eventual lessons he learns from Aoi, everything is done well. Even though it doesn’t deliver the same nuance and depth of recent episodes, this clear cut narrative makes for an enjoyable watch, as Tomozaki once more navigates through a social outing.
The most noteworthy aspect of Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 is Tomozaki’s growing awareness of himself. From his outward appearance to his growing ability to recognize the pitfalls and perils of social life, his character continues to evolve. And he’s starting to reach the point where even he sees it.
There is another element of this story that, while only having an ancillary impact on this episode, could spell big things for the show moving forward. No spoilers, but I deftly felt for Tomozaki in a couple of scenes because of it. He may have a big boss battle heading his way.
The animation in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 excels in its portrayal of its youthful protagonists. From Mizusawa’s overly chill attitude to the spontaneous bursts of excited energy that come with each agreed-upon idea, the show continues to deliver an authentic portrayal of teen life.
When it all comes together, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 delivers an enjoyable story that builds up its protagonist and may lay the groundwork for battles ahead. While it doesn’t reach the same levels of nuanced storytelling other episodes in the series have, it is still a fun story that is well worth experiencing.
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 is streaming now on Funimation.
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5
When it all comes together, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 5 delivers an enjoyable story that builds up its protagonist and may lay the groundwork for battles ahead. While it doesn’t reach the same levels of nuanced storytelling other episodes in the series have, it is still a fun story that is well worth experiencing.