Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki is a slice of life anime produced by Project No. 9. With Izumi asking for Tomozaki’s help learning Tackfam, how will Tomozaki handle this unexpected request? Plus, Tomozaki comes clean with Fuki and an unexpected challenger approaches in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 4.
With the last episode ending with Izumi’s request for Tackfam training, this episode picks right up with her and Tomozaki heading to her place for a practice session. Tomozaki quickly identifies some of her weak spots and gives her some pointers and aspects to practice with. It was great watching Tomozaki get to be in his element for a change. You can watch his confidence build as the scene progresses. This increase of energy peaks when Tomozaki unconsciously begins mimicking Aoi’s trademark enthusiastic finger-pointing. This added a wonderful touch of humor to the moment when Tomozaki realizes what he is doing. And it helps emphasize just how much time and attention Tomozaki has spent toward Aoi, as it’s gotten to the point that he is picking up some of her expressiveness.
Once the training session is done, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 4 sees Tomozaki meet up with Fuki in the library again. Still feeling bad about his off the cuff fib he told her last time, he comes clean about it. His honesty toward Fuki is extremely endearing in this moment. Fuki’s reaction to him throughout the scene is equally charming.
The back half of the episode focuses on a Tackfam challenge. It seems Nakamura believes he’s ready for a rematch after his much-talked-about defeat in episode one. While Tomozaki is hesitant to play him again, clearly fearing further hurt feelings, he reluctantly accepts the challenge. The situation becomes more awkward when a crowd inadvertently ends up gathering to watch the confrontation. I won’t go into the details of what transpires during their match, but I greatly enjoyed where the story took this scene. Some great social commentary about the way many view the goals of others, and what makes a pursuit worthwhile, are explored here to great results.
The animation in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 4 continues to hold a great balance between the down to earth feeling of the show, and the energy that anime is always known for. But perhaps the biggest visual element I came to really appreciate in this episode is the subtle yet striking way characters are designed.
With so much of the show taking place either at school or just afterward, the bulk of the cast is only ever seen in their uniforms. Such situations in other shows have often left me struggling with remembering who is who when it comes to side characters. Happily, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki utilizes enough smaller details, from hair design, body size, or things like having a collar pulled open help give enough cues for me to keep everyone straight in my mind.
The final moments of this episode brought it to a conclusion I wasn’t expecting, but made me literally giddy. I don’t know exactly where next week’s episode is going to end up, but I cant wait to get there.
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 4 is streaming now on Funimation
The final moments of this episode brought it to a conclusion I wasn’t expecting, but made me literally giddy. I don’t know exactly where next week’s episode is going to end up, but I cant wait to get there.