Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki is a slice of life anime produced by Project No. 9. With their short, medium, and long term goals set, Aoi is ready to help Tomozaki start leveling up in the game of real life. The first hurdle they will face in Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2: the art of conversation. Luckily for Tomozaki, Aoi knows plenty of people he can earn some experience with as he gets his feet under him.
The ins and outs of conversation is a nuanced topic that is difficult to grasp. In many ways, it truly is an art form. Like any form of art, there are many different approaches to it, and no one will work for or please everyone. I have found this nuance in conversation often glossed over in media. It is often shown that the only way to succeed in conversation is to smile, laugh, and always go with the crowd. I was pleasantly surprised to see Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2 managed to avoid this pitfall and take a deeper dive into the conversation and how different approaches work for/with different individuals.
This added level of detail into the episode’s exploration of how conversing with others works gives credibility to the story’s conclusions and avoids inadvertently putting down Tomozaki. The oversimplification of the subject in media generally ends with one struggling with the topic being made to look like an idiot. Since it’s so simple, why can’t they do it? But as we all know, a conversation isn’t that simple. The acknowledgment of this fact also comes through greatly in how Aoi’s character is portrayed throughout this story.
As she lays out Tomozaki’s conversation goals, one of her requirements is that when he engages in conversation with one of her recommended individuals, she must be present. This is so that, should his inexperience get him in trouble, she can bail him out. Needless to say, that does happen. And while Aoi swiftly and skillfully does just that, there is never an ounce of frustration or blame in her demeanor. She understands that Tomozaki is new to all this, and mistakes will be made. He’s trying, and his efforts warrant her patience.
The conversations that fill Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2 are also written in a solidly natural way, for the most part. With some too real moments being executed supremely well, the story does an excellent job putting Tomozaki through various situations while keeping them grounded.
The only moment that stands out awkwardly against the mostly grounded story is a seemingly random bit of girl on girl flirtation between Aoi and a couple of her friends. This moment has no feeling of genuineness to it and rather comes across like an overly awkward bit of fan service. Since I can’t imagine, even if this level of playful affection is normal for the group, they’d act it out in a performative way for the new boy they barely know.
The animation here does a good job of balancing the extra energy characters often bring to anime moments, and the story’s more grounded nature. While a couple of characters have a bit of extra bounce in their step, it never goes so far as to become story breaking. I’m glad the show reigns in the wild personalities the medium often revels in, as I feel they would be an ill fit in this story.
When all is said and done, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2 delivers a strong sophomore effort. With only the one stumble, it delivers an enjoyable story that treats the mundane art of conversation as the true struggle it can reasonably be for someone unfamiliar with the ins and outs of its inner machinations.
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2 is streaming now on Funimation.
Bottom Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2
When all is said and done, Bottom Tier Character Tomozaki Episode 2 delivers a strong sophomore effort. With only the one stumble, it delivers an enjoyable story that treats the mundane art of conversation as the true struggle it can reasonably be for someone unfamiliar with the ins and outs of its inner machinations.