Jujutsu Kaisen is a horror-action anime produced by MAPPA. With Itadori’s inexplicable ability to control the curse he has consumed he is given a choice: Be executed, thus destroying the curse he has consumed, or help the Jujutsu sorcerers find the other curses of Sukuna and then be executed. So in Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2, what’s a guy got to lose right?
While last episode served to introduce viewers to Itadori himself, in Jujustsu Kaisen Episode 2, “For Myself” expands upon the world he resides in. Upon choosing to help the sorcerers find the remaining pieces of Sukuna, Itadori finds himself off to Jujutsu school. There to become a sorcerer himself. And giving us our next glimpses into what this larger world Itadori stumbles into has to offer.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode #2 takes its foot of the gas and let’s both it’s protagonist, as well as the audience get their bearings. With the story picking up right where episode one left off, it looks like Fushiguro will attack Itadori to destroy the curse he has consumed. This moment is interrupted as another sorcerer makes an unexpected appearance.
It is here that viewers meet the sorcerer Gojou. A seemingly powerful Jujutsu practitioner that Fushiguro acknowledges as sensei. Gojou’s character is instantly shown to be the style of laid back, quirky master that anime fans will be instantly familiar with. While Fushiguro immediately decided destruction was the proper course of action for Itadori, Gojou sees other potentials available for the young man and intervenes.
This intervention leads the episode back to the initial scene viewers where shown at the beginning of episode one. With Itadori tied up, and Gojou talking to him. Here Gojou explains the young man’s unique situation and his options. With his grandfather’s dying request for him to help people still ringing in his ears, Itadori chooses to help find the curses. Before he can undergo Jujutsu training, however, he must prove himself worthy.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode #2 delivers on all fronts. It builds out its world, introduces important new characters and concepts, and even gives a small hint of some of the exciting stylized combat viewers can look forward to as the story moves forward. It is the perfect follow up episode for expanding upon everything viewers were introduced to in the pilot.
The visual presentation also keeps going strong. With the brief moments of action showcasing some cool design, Jujutsu Kaisen looks to continue MAPPA’s run of great stylized combat animation.
The other place where Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2 visual presentation also excels is in its integration of some goofier elements. I won’t say what, as it would be a bit of a spoiler, but the show works in a couple of ridiculous concepts into moments extremely well. They are allowed to be the bizarre things that they are while managing to not take away from the seriousness of the moment they are a part of. A delicate balance to achieve.
When all is said and done, Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2 continues to build upon the excellent start of its pilot. I look forward to learning more about both its world, as well as it’s expanding cast.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2 is streaming now.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2
When all is said and done, Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 2 continues to build upon the excellent start of its pilot. I look forward to learning more about both its world, as well as it’s expanding cast.