Fire Force Episode 10 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. With Ogun and Maki struggling to hold off the infernal demon Tempe, Shinra asks the Lady in Black to bestow her grace upon him that he might send the infernal to rest. Upon learning that only a second of grace could be granted, due to her weakened state, Shinra will have to get all he can out of the power he will gain if he is to finish the fight.
We all have those certain story beats that get us every time. The ones that, when executed well, never fail to pull us into a story, even more than we already were. For me, one of those beats in the secret history of the world. When characters find out some grand momentous truth that potentially changes everything they think they know about their world. Right down to their deepest held beliefs. I think this lies in the inherent struggle to overcome adversity that defines how I view a hero. After all, what greater challenge can there be than the acceptance that all one once held as gospel, could be a lie…
Fire Force Episode 10 continues this season’s perfect balance of character, lore, and action. Having spent the last episode building up Shinra’s final confrontation with Tempe, this episode delivered beautifully. Seeing Shinra at his full power again was just as jaw-dropping as it was during last season’s climactic finale. Even if it is for just a second.
But while this moment delivered some superbly executed pyrotechnics, it was the lore revelations that took center stage. Since the Lady in Black bestows a lot more than just grace on our favorite Fire Force member. I won’t divulge the details, the truths concerning adolla bursts, the Evangelist, and the entire world of Fire Force are interesting to say the least. And best of all, the answers given lead nicely into more questions for our intrepid heroes to search out answers for.
Fire Force Episode 10’s only real shortcoming is that it’s all but exclusively Shinra. With his confrontation with Tempe, and discourse with the Lady in Black taking up the majority of the episode’s time. Given the ample time, the rest of the expedition got the last episode, this isn’t a huge deal though.
Along with all the above examples of the many strengths Fire Force Season 2 has shown throughout the season, it went even further still by delivering a lovely heartfelt moment between Shinra and scop. As much as Shinra is highlighted for his strength, determination and fiendish smile, he is just as much simply a kind and loving soul. Getting to see this last aspect of him shine was a wonderful moment. The visual design for Fire Force Episode 10 also continues to showcase the show’s creativity and excellence. The presentation of the Lady in Black’s grace empowering Shinra was an excellent example of that.
When all is said and done Fire Force Episode 10 takes the set up it was given from the last episode and runs away with it. The only thing more impressive is that it managed that awesome task while finding the time to also set up future episodes for equally great payoffs.
Fire Force season 2 Episode 10 is streaming now.
Fire Force season 2 Episode 10
When all is said and done Fire Force Episode 10 takes the set up it was given from the last episode and runs away with it. The only thing more impressive is that it managed that awesome task while finding the time to also set up future episodes for equally great payoffs.